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[security] Top Ten Unix Tips (security howto)

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Ключевые слова: security, howto,  (найти похожие документы)
_ RU.LINUX (2:5077/15.22) ___________________________________________ RU.LINUX _ From : Marat Khakimov 2:5020/1101.19 Wed 16 Sep 98 08:30 Subj : [security] Top Ten Unix Tips ________________________________________________________________________________ Hello All! Дополните и прокомментируйте, please. _____________________ COMP.SECURITY.UNIX Subj : Re: Wanted: Top Ten Linux Unix Tips _______________________________________________________________________________ From: [email protected] Reply-To: [email protected] Here's a generic list, in no particular order: 1. install strengthened programs: ssh, tcp_wrappers, pidentd w/crypto, rpcbind/portmap w/access control and loging, others 2. audit your network services (inetd.conf, startup files, RPC services) 3. update all versions of network programs (sendmail, httpd, etc) 4. audit your suid files (turn off anything which isn't used -- e.g. do you really need /usr/bin/at when you've got crontab?) 5. wrap the remaing suid files with one of the publically available wrappers 6. install the vendor security patches. 7. audit the file permissions on O/S files (/var, /etc, etc). 8. either do a full-blown tripwire, or at least get hardcopies of the md5/sha1 hashes of critical utilities that are usually rootkitted (any net daemon, any suid/sgid file, netstat, ls, ps, top, etc) 9. run frequent checks for strange things like suid root files (e.g. COPS) 10. kick back with a 6-pack of decent beer. obviously, this isn't in order -- 6 should probably come before 5. although 10 should definitely come last =) -- Lamont Granquist ([email protected]) looking for unix administration / security work === Cut === :), Marat. --- * Origin: Sapienti sat! (2:5020/1101.19)

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