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"Grsecurity нарушает лицензию GPL в своих попытках остановить..."
Отправлено добрый, 12-Июл-17 00:10 
Если кому-то действительно интересно (ха-ха) разбираться в ситуации... - последнее разъяснение от Перенса по его позиции, которое мне удалось найти:

[i]It's getting the time sequence right that makes the difference. An
expectation that the business will be damaged by Grsecurity shutting off
their service, in consequence of exercise of their GPL right to
redistribute, exists *before *the act of distribution. It took me a while
to get that right.

It would be much harder to prove if they hadn't warned people and made this
policy known to many people, and if they just incidentally disconnected a
customer after a single act of distribution without the context to show
that it was a known policy of the company.

If this actually got to court, it would be necessary to depose people about
the policy in order to show that customers knew in advance. But I'm pretty
confident that Grsecurity would be found in violation.[/i]

Недостаточно убедительно, как по мне. Вот оппонирующая точка зрения от Rick Moen (высказана ранее процитированного выше, но всё ещё применима в своём качестве, кмк):

В частности:

[i]> > The key bit is your sentence 'GPL version 2 section 6 explicitly
>[оверквотинг удален]
> OK. I just read it again:
> 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
> Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
> original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
> these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions
> on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
> And your theory of this not applying is?

Simply that Spengler and friends have not imposed any further
restriction on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted therein.

Hypothetically, it is claimed that they have suggested that they will
terminate the support contract of any customer who exercises that right.
If true, their doing so would not prevent or impede the customer
exercising the rights granted to them by the upstream coders (as applied
to the grsecurity/PaX patchsets).[/i]

Рекомендую прочитать письмо по ссылке до конца.


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