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"Выпуск дистрибутива GeckoLinux 999.210517"
Отправлено Аноним, 20-Май-21 09:23
After considerable delay, I’m pleased to announce a major update to the GeckoLinux Static and NEXT series. GeckoLinux is a live installable system based on openSUSE Leap ("Static" and "NEXT" editions) or Tumbleweed ("Rolling" editions). GeckoLinux is proud to be built from completely unmodified openSUSE and Packman packages, with all software updates coming directly from openSUSE and Packman servers. In this way, GeckoLinux benefits from the vast technical expertise and extensive infrastructure of its parent sources.

There are a number of major improvements reflected in this release, mostly resulting from a new build system. Since its inception, GeckoLinux was always built with the fantastic SUSE Studio service. However, the announcement of the merging of SUSE Studio with the Open Build Service forced me to look for an alternative build method because of the non-free software that GeckoLinux includes. After considerable trial and error, I am confident that Kiwi will be the best way forward. Thanks to Kiwi, GeckoLinux now boasts the following improvements:

    Much smoother and more reliable startup
    Splash screen during live system startup
    Better hardware detection, especially Xorg startup with certain troublesome graphics cards
    No more entering passwords for the live session user account
    Live USB persistence – GeckoLinux can now be used as an excellent portable OS, not just as an installation medium
    Cleaner ISO build process and structure that is more in line with openSUSE

GeckoLinux is a live installable system, with two installer options:

    The default recommended installer is Calamares, now at version 3.1.11. This version in conjunction with an updated set of underlying tools offers a huge number of improvements and bug fixes that should lead to smooth and successful installations for almost everyone. Users that tried Calamares in the past and experienced difficulties are urged to try it again in this release.
    For advanced users that prefer the older yast2-live-installer, it is still available and even incorporates some important integration fixes to workaround issues that used to be present on the resulting installed system. This is also the recommended option for users that want a BtrFS filesystem with Snapper integration for the GRUB bootloader, providing automatic system snapshots and rollback capability.

Additional improvements in this version of GeckoLinux include a formerly missing library needed to transfer files from iOS devices, and the Nvidia proprietary graphics drivers repository is now included out-of-the-box. Apart from these improvements specific to GeckoLinux, there is a plethora of improvements coming straight from the openSUSE Leap 42.3 base system. To see what openSUSE has changed in Leap 42.3, please refer to the openSUSE release notes. Please note that the drm-kpm-default package for updated Intel hardware support has not been included because it conflicts with VirtualBox kernel modules. Users that want to run GeckoLinux Static on very new Intel hardware should consider installing it for better hardware support.


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