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Раздувание истории с нарушением GPL в Android дело рук недоб..., opennews (?), 19-Мрт-11, (0) [смотреть все]

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33. "Раздувание истории с нарушением GPL в Android дело рук недоб..."  +1 +/
Сообщение от Michael Shigorinemail (ok), 19-Мрт-11, 19:39 
И вот типичный пример:

PS: что характерно, поведение Мюллера показалось Штирлицу подозрительным сразу, а дело SCO само всплыло в памяти.

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70. "Раздувание истории с нарушением GPL в Android дело рук недоб..."  +/
Сообщение от Michael Shigorinemail (ok), 02-Апр-11, 22:34 
И ещё:

It is almost amusing that Mueller argues that Google should switch to using glibc, rather than Bionic. It reflects a grave misunderstanding of the differences between the two libraries. If the Nimmer/Naughton arguments are right, it's hard to see how glibc is any different. Their argument essentially boils down to there being no way to use the kernel headers without a requirement to apply the GPL to the resulting code.

The patent suit is not the only attack ongoing against Android currently; there is also, seemingly, a determined FUD campaign underway. [...] Hardware vendors have been served notice that they may well be sued for using Android. Software vendors are being told that writing for Android could expose them to copyright infringement claims. It's all aimed at getting these companies to reconsider investing in Android in favor of the "safer" alternatives. [...] It is worth noting that, despite the recent claims that companies working with Android might be sued by free software developers, the actual lawsuit was filed by a company which is generally hostile to free software. There are indeed threats out there, but they do not come from our community; they come from companies which feel they are losing in the market and which, as such companies so often do, are turning to the courts instead.

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