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"Мосгорсуд постановил заблокировать доступ к сторонним копиям..."
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. "Мосгорсуд постановил: Хосе Леонсио не-го-дяй!1!" +1 +/
Сообщение от Andrey Mitrofanov (?), 12-Май-16, 00:51 
>>>> Как Linux kernel воровал код из OpenBSD - вот так..
>>> Ты чё несёшь?
>> Было дело. Копирайты выкидывали — а это одно из немногих ограничений BSDL.
>> Так что зря минусуете аффтара выше.
> Враньё.

"The patch posted by Jiri Slaby stripped his license text; it was thus a clear violation of Reyk's license (which requires that the license text be preserved) and the wrong thing to do. This patch was never applied, and it will not be."

"Much of the code, however, had been written earlier by Sam Leffler.  [...]  was relicensed under GPLv2, that act was clearly carried out with the permission of the copyright holder. Mr. Leffler has since confirmed that this act was, by his intent, explicitly allowed."

"[...] Theo de Raadt from condemning the relicensing and calling it illegal [...] "

"How to square this statement with the clear notice saying that the code may be distributed under either license is left as an exercise for the reader. By this interpretation the "BSD license becomes rather more viral than the GPL; it cannot be removed even when the copyright notice says otherwise. The BSD people are fine with their code being locked up and made completely proprietary, but it would seem that a GPLv2 relicensing, even when explicitly allowed by the copyright owner, is a different matter entirely."


> ++
> "[Доказано:] бсдешники тоже проприертарщики"
>   --

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Мосгорсуд постановил заблокировать доступ к сторонним копиям..., opennews, 06-Май-16, 12:43  [смотреть все]
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