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"В MySQL 8.0 отмечается закат хранилища MyISAM "
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. "В MySQL 8.0 отмечается закат хранилища MyISAM " +1 +/
Сообщение от SysA (?), 13-Окт-16, 16:01 
> Нет ни малейшей причины не использовать MariaDB.

Atlassian Status as of 28 April 2015

Hello All,

Given our current product priorities and other high ranking JAC issues we do not have plans to add MariaDB support in the foreseeable future.
If anyone has DB vendor/type marketshare information - I'd love to see it to make an assessment of whether to add this to our supported platforms.
When choosing to add a supported platform we assess the expected benefit of minimising the number of supported platforms vs. the level of tech debt that reduces our development velocity.

Thanks for your feedback and we hope you appreciate our open approach to these requests.

Danke schoen,
Otto Ruettinger
JIRA Principal Product Manager

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В MySQL 8.0 отмечается закат хранилища MyISAM , opennews, 13-Окт-16, 09:50  [смотреть все]
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