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"Анонсирована технология защиты беспроводных сетей WPA3"
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. "Анонсирована технология защиты беспроводных сетей WPA3" +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 09-Янв-18, 13:03 
> opkg update

И что?
> update     Update list of available packages

А если имел в виду upgrade, то
> Since LEDE firmware stores the base system in a compressed read-only partition, any update to base system packages will be written in the read-write partition and therefore use more space than it would if it was just overwriting the older version in the compressed base system partition

к тому же
> The package repositories in the development snapshots are updated by the build bots to new versions very often, so it's very likely you won't be able to upgrade some packages due to broken dependencies with kernel or kernel-related packages. In that case, it's recommended to use the Image Builder and make a new firmware image with all packages you need and flash that instead of upgrading through opkg.

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Анонсирована технология защиты беспроводных сетей WPA3, opennews, 09-Янв-18, 11:32  [смотреть все]
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