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"Релиз VeraCrypt 1.23, форка TrueCrypt "
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. "Релиз VeraCrypt 1.23, форка TrueCrypt " +1 +/
Сообщение от имя (?), 14-Сен-18, 09:08 
As its developers remained anonymous, some of Le Roux's former SecurStar colleagues, including Hafner, suspected Le Roux of being involved but could not find any corroborating evidence. The actual authors remain unknown as of 2017.
Le Roux's involvement with TrueCrypt still remains unclear as of 2016. Le Roux himself has denied developing TrueCrypt in a court hearing in March 2016, in which he also confirmed he had written E4M.
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Релиз VeraCrypt 1.23, форка TrueCrypt , opennews, 14-Сен-18, 08:13  [смотреть все]
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