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"Компания IBM объявила о покупке Red Hat"
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. "Компания IBM объявила о покупке Red Hat" +1 +/
Сообщение от 100й клон 100го клона (?), 29-Окт-18, 00:24 
..."IBM's commitment to keeping the things that have made Red Hat successful - always thinking about the customer and the open source community first – make this a tremendous opportunity for not only Red Hat but also open source more broadly," said Paul Cormier, President, Products and Technologies, Red Hat. "Since the day we decided to bring open source to the enterprise, our mission has remained unchanged. And now, one of the biggest enterprise technology companies on the planet has agreed to partner with us to scale and accelerate our efforts, bringing open source innovation to an even greater swath of the enterprise."...

Паникёры, отставить! Всё будет хорошо! :)))

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Компания IBM объявила о покупке Red Hat, opennews, 28-Окт-18, 22:22  [смотреть все]
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