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"Cloudflare представил инструменты для выявления перехвата HTTPS"
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. "Cloudflare представил инструменты для выявления перехвата HT..." +1 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (54), 19-Мрт-19, 22:08 
Cloudflare has agreed to provide APNIC with access to some of the data that Cloudflare collects through the Cloudflare Resolver. Specifically, APNIC will be permitted to access query names, query types, resolver location and other metadata via a Cloudflare API, that will allow APNIC to study topics like the volume of DDoS attacks launched on the Internet and adoption of IPv6.

In return for access to the Cloudflare Resolver data, APNIC has agreed to use such data solely for non-profit operational research. APNIC has also agreed not to use the data in any manner that would allow it to associate any individual with a DNS query, or publish any studies containing any references to particular query names or individual behavior. As part of Cloudflare’s commitment to privacy, Cloudflare will not provide APNIC with any access to the IP address or port associated with a client.

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Cloudflare представил инструменты для выявления перехвата HTTPS, opennews, 19-Мрт-19, 11:35  [смотреть все]
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