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"Стабильный выпуск СУБД MariaDB 10.4"
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. "Стабильный выпуск СУБД MariaDB 10.4" +/
Сообщение от Андрей (??), 20-Июн-19, 12:57 
А немногим более недели назад вышла Enterprise версия.
> "The feature I am most excited about is Enterprise Backup. It’s a feature we worked on closely with customers in order to make backups with large databases work efficiently and seamlessly. The base setup behind the problem is fairly common – you have large tables and you want to take backups of them. The problem occurs when customers also need to be able to perform DDL on the tables (i.e. change the table structure: ALTER TABLE). The larger your tables, the longer both the backups and the DDL changes take, which can result in the two blocking each other. To solve this, we worked on an improved version of table locking that allows the backup process to incrementally escalate the locks as it gets further and further in the backup process. This allows DDL statements to work until the final stages of the backup process thus minimizing any time wasted on waits and at the same time making sure all operations finish with the data still in fully consistent states in the backups."

Backup нужен не только энтерпрайзу. Это стандарт. Но будет ли он в стандартной комьюнити версии?

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Стабильный выпуск СУБД MariaDB 10.4, opennews, 20-Июн-19, 00:06  [смотреть все]
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