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"Ассоциация кинокомпаний потребовала заблокировать на GitHub ..."
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. "Ассоциация кинокомпаний потребовала заблокировать на GitHub ..." +/
Сообщение от Аноним (297), 09-Май-20, 17:28 
There are hidden stories all around us,
growing in abandoned villages in the mountains
or vacant lots in the city,
petrifying beneath our feet in the remains
of societies like nothing we’ve known,
whispering to us that things could be different.
But the politician you know is lying to you,
the manager who hires and fires you,
the landlord who evicts you,
the president of the bank that owns your house,
the professor who grades your papers,
the cop who rolls your street,
the reporter who informs you,
the doctor who medicates you,
the husband who beats you,
the mother who spanks you,
the soldier who kills for you,
and the social worker who fits your past and future into a folder in a filing cabinet
all ask
It would be anarchy.”
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Ассоциация кинокомпаний потребовала заблокировать на GitHub ..., opennews, 08-Май-20, 10:55  [смотреть все]
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