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"Обновление VeraCrypt 1.24-Update7, форка TrueCrypt "
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. "Обновление VeraCrypt 1.24-Update7, форка TrueCrypt " –1 +/
Сообщение от n00by (ok), 10-Авг-20, 15:38 
> Можно конечно прилепить стикер с паролем на монитор..

Dear *** and ***,

I know that *** development is finished and I even cannot participate in the forum any more but I still hope that you are so kind to give me a quick help, as I am about loosing all data on a very important hard drive.
I try to make it short, I gave a nice chess to myself:
I have the encrypted (boot) harddrive (samsung evo ssd), I have the usb bootloader which should load it, but my system is UEFI so it won't load at startup. I do not have the keyfile and the old passw is not working. Can I do anything to use the usb bootloader to access my data? Or can I transfer back key data from the usb drive to unlock somehow the hard drive?
I would really apreciate your help.

Many bests

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Обновление VeraCrypt 1.24-Update7, форка TrueCrypt , opennews, 10-Авг-20, 14:36  [смотреть все]
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