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"Red Hat объясняет трансформацию CentOS желанием сделать более открытой разработку RHEL"
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. "Red Hat объясняет трансформацию CentOS желанием сделать боле..." +/
Сообщение от Михрютка (ok), 20-Дек-20, 23:16 
у карстена в каментах походу рвануло:

> Another long-winded post that doesn't address the single, core issue that no one
> will speak to directly: why can't CentOS Stream and CentOS _both_ exist?

They are antithetical to each other.

If we try to continue doing both, we will do both poorly.

Only one of the two distros can handle the use cases for both distros. That distro is CentOS Stream.

CentOS Linux cannot handle the CentOS Stream use case. We tried that, it didn't work. We have run out of time trying that method. It's time to move on.

CentOS Stream *can* handle the use cases for a vast vast vast amount of what people use CentOS Linux for. I'm confident of that.

Everyone has been trusting the code for 17+ years, developed out of Red Hat and distributed by the CentOS Project. This is the same code base, the same people, and all we ask is that you trust us to continue creating a Linux distro that works for you.

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Red Hat объясняет трансформацию CentOS желанием сделать более открытой разработку RHEL, opennews, 20-Дек-20, 11:34  [смотреть все]
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