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"Red Hat объясняет трансформацию CentOS желанием сделать более открытой разработку RHEL"
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. "Red Hat объясняет трансформацию CentOS желанием сделать боле..." +/
Сообщение от Michael Shigorinemail (ok), 22-Дек-20, 11:44 
> Ну и он не озвучил самое главное.

А оно давным-давно (2004!) озвучено Константином Рябицевым:

Mike Chambers wrote:

> I think Red Hat went out on a limb and went ahead and told everyone what
> was going to happen with changing to Fedora and letting us in on how
> this thing will work in general.

Let me, err, relay how things are looking from outside of RH in the format
everyone will understand...

     <rh_pr> We are announcing Red Hat Project! A community-based
<oss_crowd> rh_pr: Neat.
    <rh_dev> rh_pr: Uh... I'm not ready.
           * rh_pr is away: promoting rhel
<oss_crowd> rh_dev: what do we do?
    <rh_dev> oss_crowd: I'm not sure.
  <rh_legal> rh_dev: don't do anything until I say it's ok.
<oss_crowd> rh_dev: what can we do to help with Red Hat Project?
    <rh_dev> oss_crowd: uh... file bugs and help test things.
<oss_crowd> rh_dev: didn't we always do that?
  <rh_sales> hey, all, if you really want a stable system, don't use
             fedora project. It will eat your brane. Buy RHEL instead.
    <rh_dev> rh_sales: stfu
         --- rh_pr removes voice from rh_sales
<fedora_us> hey, all, check out our neat community-driven system for
             red hat development
<oss_crowd> fedora_us: ooooh!
     <rh_pr> fedora_us: I like your name
         --- fedora_rh joined the channel
  <rh_legal> much better
     <rh_pr> We are announcing Fedora Project! A community-driven
<oss_crowd> rh_pr: Neat!
           * fedora_rh waves
<fedora_us> I'm not dead yet.
<fedora_rh> fedora_us: don't confuse things.
<fedora_us> fedora_rh: does this mean we're merging?
<fedora_rh> fedora_us: maybe
  <rh_legal> fedora_rh: don't do anything until I say it's ok.
         --- fedora_us joined #limbo
<oss_crowd> fedora_rh: so, what can we do to help?
<fedora_rh> oss_crowd: uh... file bugs and help test things.
<oss_crowd> sigh... didn't we always do that?
<fedora_rh> oss_crowd: I know, let's all go in the circle and say our
           * oss_crowd goes in the circle and says their names. This
             lasts several months.
<fedora_rh> So, there will be the following features in the next
             release of Fedora Core.
<oss_crowd> Uh... Hold on. Who gets to decide?
  <rh_sales> We do. That stuff will be neato for RHEL-4.
<oss_crowd> MMkay, then. When do _we_ get to suggest things?
<fedora_rh> oss_crowd: feel free to talk among yourselves.
           * oss_crowd talks among themselves about new features.
<fedora_rh> btw, feature X will be disabled in the release.
           * oss_crowd glares at fedora_rh
<oss_crowd> fedora_rh: nice of you to tell us while we were sitting
             here talking.
    <rh_dev> oss_crowd: sorry, it's just not happening.
<oss_crowd> rh_dev: when do we get to decide what's happening?
    <rh_dev> oss_crowd: Dunno, I'll ask rh_legal
  <rh_legal> rh_dev: ugh, /msg me
  <rh_sales> rh_dev: let's not do anything rash here.
           * fedora_us gets tired of sitting in #limbo
<oss_crowd> fedora_rh: I want to see more of the "community" part of
             the whole "community-based" thing
<oss_crowd> rh_dev: how about at least a publicly accessible CVS/SVN
    <rh_dev> oss_crowd: Yeah, that would be cool.
<oss_crowd> rh_dev: finally, some movement. When is that going to be
           * rh_dev is away: talking to rh_legal
           * oss_crowd tries to occupy themselves and do things like
             fedoranews and fedorapeople.
<oss_crowd> Uh... ping?
<fedora_uh> oss_crowd: what's up?
<oss_crowd> fedora_rh: We're feeling kinda useless. What exactly is our
             role, again?
<fedora_rh> oss_crowd: well, it would be really helpful if you could
             test some things and file the bugs.
<oss_crowd> fedora_rh: ugh. We ALWAYS did that.
           * oss_crowd begins to wonder what exactly is the purpose of
<fedora_rh> oss_crowd: it's the open-development, proving-grounds for
             new technology component of Red Hat, as opposed to RHEL.
  <rh_sales> Told ya it'll eat your brane.
         --- rh_pr kicks rh_sales from the channel (you're a dolt)
<oss_crowd> fedora_rh: so, let me get this straight. Effectively, you
             want us to download the packages you release, test things,
             file bugs, and submit patches.
<fedora_rh> oss_crowd: Sure, why not?
<oss_crowd> ...but when it comes to things like features, direction of
             the project, and which software to include in the
             distribution, it's the decision of Red Hat?
           * fedora_rh is away: I AM RH
<fedora_us> I'm still not dead.
<oss_crowd> fedora_rh: How is that different from how things were
             before the whole "publicly-supported distribution" thing?
<oss_crowd> rh_dev: where is that long-promised public CVS/SVN repo?
    <rh_dev> dunno, talk to fedora_rh
<fedora_rh> oss_crowd: look, such things don't happen in a week, ok?
<oss_crowd> IT'S BEEN A YEAR!
         --- rh_sales joined the channel
<oss_crowd> /mode +b rh_sales
         --- You're not ops in here.
<oss_crowd> figures
--- END IRC LOG ---

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Red Hat объясняет трансформацию CentOS желанием сделать более открытой разработку RHEL, opennews, 20-Дек-20, 11:34  [смотреть все]
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