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"Google признал неудачным эксперимент с показом только домена в адресной строке Chrome"
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. "Google признал неудачным эксперимент с показом только домена..." +5 +/
Сообщение от Kjj (?), 11-Июн-21, 19:15 
Я немного ошибся, не создатель веба а создатель DNS - Paul Mockapetris.

Вот кусок из интервю:

"I designed it this way for autocomplete. My vision at the time was that people would want to do autocomplete or they might want to just type part of the domain name and have it completed in a search list of the local environment. So it would not make sense to have the country code first. It had to be the least-significant part if you’re going to have any kind of reasonable search list or autocomplete. Imagine if we were to type “com.” and then wait for autocomplete. Out of 160 million choices, there would be a pretty long pull-down menu. So in the absence of any agreement or, in my view, cogent arguments about why the other way around made more sense, I did it that way."

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Google признал неудачным эксперимент с показом только домена в адресной строке Chrome, opennews, 11-Июн-21, 08:51  [смотреть все]
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