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"Facebook добился удаления репозитория альтернативного Instagram-клиента Barinsta"
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. "Facebook добился удаления репозитория альтернативного Instag..." +1 +/
Сообщение от The same name (?), 28-Июл-21, 11:47 
Dear Anonymous,

Are you OK in your mind? I have NO contact with so LEAVE ME ALONE
and stop linking my real full name to your enterprise.
It is a scam because it doesn't allow users to remove personal data that makes it an illegal service. I am sorry for your frustration but the public needs to know the truth.
We don't even know each other but you defame me in front of the public because I dared to complain to the Icelandic registrar last summer.
My Gitlab and Twitter profiles are also 100% FAKE and they are also owned by you. You are lying about me everywhere to destroy my reputation and don't allow me to get my fake profiles deleted because you threaten companies for your financial gain. They block my accounts immediately due to your destructive and harmful behaviour as you compromise my profiles and report my activity as spam to websites if I ask you or them to remove these false registrations because you cannot say anything under my name without my consent. Everyone should know here that the owners of and similar mirror domains, create fake profiles in the name of other innocent people in order to hide their illegal actions as they host multiple child porn images.
You just need to stop because you get lost and you will not get anywhere.
You won't be able to resolve conflicts with harassment. It is a sign of weakness.
Thank you for your attention.

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Facebook добился удаления репозитория альтернативного Instagram-клиента Barinsta, opennews, 27-Июл-21, 21:05  [смотреть все]
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