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"Выпуск дистрибутива Deepin 20.6, развивающего собственное графическое окружение"
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. "Выпуск дистрибутива Deepin 20.6, развивающего собственное гр..." +1 +/
Сообщение от тень Маоemail (?), 02-Июн-22, 18:26 
> дистрибутива
> развивающего собственное графическое окружение

В первую очередь - китайского правительственного дистрибутива. С китайской правительственной телеметрией ^_^.

Deepin Technology, a wholly owned subsidiary of UnionTech (统信软件), is based in Wuhan, China.

When Deepin was accused in 2018 of containing spyware through the use of statistics software within their App Store, the company made an official statement clarifying that it did not and would not collect private user information. According to Deepin, CNZZ is a website similar to Google Analytics that collects anonymous usage information such as the screen size, browser and other user agent information to "analyze how the Deepin store was being used, in order to improve it."[100]

On 20 July 2018, Deepin removed CNZZ statistics from the Deepin App Store website due to the backlash.

Radware's head of threat research has commented on concerns about analytics collected by Deepin, and whether these are sent to the Chinese government: while the CNZZ analytics service has been removed, analytics are still collected, now by "Umeng+".[17] According to cybersecurity lawyer Steven T. Snyder, due to the sheer size of Deepin's codebase, it is impossible to really scrutinize all the code comprising it to be sure the Chinese government doesn't have backdoors

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Выпуск дистрибутива Deepin 20.6, развивающего собственное графическое окружение, opennews, 01-Июн-22, 17:33  [смотреть все]
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