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"Первый стабильный релиз WSL, прослойки для запуска Linux-приложений в Windows"
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. "Первый стабильный релиз WSL, прослойки для запуска Linux-при..." +/
Сообщение от IRASoldier_registered (ok), 24-Ноя-22, 05:24 

"The easiest way to get all these improvements is to get the latest backport. Currently it is available to seekers only, and will be pushed automatically to devices in mid-December. To get this update please go to Windows Settings and click “Check for Updates”. If you see a message saying a new update is available please install it. You will need to be running Windows 10 version 21H1, 21H2, or 22H2, or on Windows 11 21H2 with all of the November updates applied. You will know you have this update when you check that KB5020030 is installed on Windows 10, or KB5019157 on Windows 11.

Once you have the right Windows version, if you’re a new user you can just run wsl --install and you will be set up right away to use WSL. If you’re an existing user run wsl --update to update to the latest Store version. You can always check if you’re on the Store version by running wsl --version which will show you the version number, and will fail if you’re using the in-Windows version of WSL."

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Первый стабильный релиз WSL, прослойки для запуска Linux-приложений в Windows, opennews, 23-Ноя-22, 10:52  [смотреть все]
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