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"Релиз Firefox 119"
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. "Релиз Firefox 119" +/
Сообщение от SilverCutePony (ok), 25-Окт-23, 22:38 
Они временно отключили ECH глобально, а не только для России:

> Dear community,
> This note is to inform you of the status of Early Hints and Encrypted Client Hello.
> We have sadly had to disable both of these features globally whilst we address a number of issues with them. These issues are unrelated. We are in the process of adding a label to each of the toggles in dashboard to alert that they are disabled.
> We expect to re-enable Early Hints in the coming weeks, with ECH re-enablement for Free coming later in the year with roll-out to those in the beta in early 2024.
> We apologise for the inconvenience caused here and are doing our best to get these features back online ASAP.

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Релиз Firefox 119, opennews, 24-Окт-23, 23:37  [смотреть все]
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