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"Тематический каталог: Подключение GPRS-internet к Linux (linux gprs usb irda ppp dialup)"
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. "Подключение GPRS-internet к Linux (linux gprs usb irda ppp dialup)" +/
Сообщение от hsemail (?), 26-Ноя-03, 04:33 
Speeding up connection by SonyEricsson phones with data cable
Sent: zsa2 2003.09.15. 16:39-kor
My observations and tips by using SonyEricsson T200 (310*)
At the first time when we try these phones for GPRS Internet we could meet
it's slowness using any serial cables. Usually the phones can't connect other
speed than 9600 b/s.
Before we think there are some troubles with the phone
or with the cable we should check and/or set our phone's default speed!

For these we need - under Linux - eg. the "minicom" program.
In my phone (T200) - which's from the Hungarian Vodafone - the original set
speed is only 9600 b/s. I think this is very-very slow in our days.
This trouble (maybe) exists with other SonyEricsson phones. (With T310: sure.)
Fortunately my phone can connect even 640800 b/s, if my provider would get it.
But this is beyond reason, because the GPRS Internet's speed won't change.
So I'm using 115200.

How can we set the speed of phone's port?

1, Plug the interface cable into the phone and the computer.

2, Start the minicom!

3, Set the default speed at 9600 b/s. (Additionally set the "no parity", 8 byte
characters and 1 stopbit.)

4, After this try to type the ATI command. The phone must to echo the
own name (eg.: T200, T300, etc.). Don't forget the press !
In some case we can't see what we type, but the answer's must to come,
if the selected speed is correct.

5, If there's no any echo from the phone then try to set an other
speed and try again the ATI command.

6, If we can make the connection to the phone, then we can ask the
available connection speeds with the AT+IPR=? command.
After we can change your connection speed with the eg. AT+IPR=115200
command. Of course after this successfull step we must to change our
connection speed in the minicom program too.
We should save our settings in the minicom program as default.*
We can leave the minicom without the "Reset the phone" option.*

7, The phone keeps this new speed until we turn it out!
If we would like that this speed will be permanent we must to save
this new speed into the phone! So we must to return to minicom - if we
left it already - and type the AT&W command, which will save the new
speed into the phone's memory.

GPRS EASY CONNECT PROGRAM, otherwise the phone will sign errors!

You can list all AT commands known by your phone with the AT+CLAC
command. (Unfortunetly not every phone knows it.)
In other hand you can read more information 'bout the general
AT commands in the documentation of
ETSI TS 100 916 (AT command set for GSM Mobile Equipment)

The disconnect is not trouble free with the T200 and with some
other SonyEricsson phones too.

The GPRS Easy Connect tries to disconnect with the \K and after the
+++ATH command. Some SonyEricsson phone could'nt recognize the \K.
Unfortunately we know no successful solution for this trouble. 'Cos
the rest manufacturers' phones could disconnect with these commands.*

The only thing what we can do if the disconnection script is failed that
we press the "no" on our phone and follow the phone's instrucions.

Apart from this fillips these phones are perfect for using GPRS INTERNET!

Debrecen, 15. september 2003.

Attila Zsigmond,

Translated by Péter Simon.
The marked senteces and notes with a "*" by the translator.

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Тематический каталог: Подключение GPRS-internet к Linux (linux gprs usb irda ppp dialup), auto_topic, 17-Сен-03, 08:31  [смотреть все]
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