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"В ядре Linux прекращена поддержка процессоров i386"
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. "В ядре Linux прекращена поддержка процессоров i386" +/
Сообщение от Andrey Mitrofanov (?), 13-Дек-12, 11:34 
> Нет, в glibc поддержу 386 дропнули еще раньше.

Ай, хорошо набросил.

Мне сразу показалось, что где-то я про это уже читалл. Вот нашёл. Слоупок этот ваш Торвальдс! ---да-да, embedded на intel-е, ага, спутники бороздят просторы Большого, знаю.

+++То есть дистрибутивы лишают нас такого "удовольствия" -- следить, какие же из интелов поддерживает ядро им.Торвальдса? Заговор!

"""" + CPU

Nearly all x86-based (IA-32) processors still in use in personal computers are supported, [...]

However, Debian GNU/Linux squeeze will not run on 386 or earlier processors. Despite the architecture name "i386", support for actual 80386 processors (and their clones) was dropped with the Sarge (r3.1) release of Debian[2]. (No version of Linux has ever supported the 286 or earlier chips in the series.) All i486 and later processors are still supported[3].

[ . . . 8< . . . ]

[2] We have long tried to avoid this, but in the end it was necessary due a unfortunate series of issues with the compiler and the kernel, starting with an bug in the C++ ABI provided by GCC. You should still be able to run Debian GNU/Linux on actual 80386 processors if you compile your own kernel and compile all packages from source, but that is beyond the scope of this manual.

[3] Many Debian packages will actually run slightly faster on modern computers as a positive side effect of dropping support for these old chips. The i486, introduced in 1989, has three opcodes (bswap, cmpxchg, and xadd) which the i386, introduced in 1986, did not have. Previously, these could not be easily used by most Debian packages; now they can.

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В ядре Linux прекращена поддержка процессоров i386, opennews, 12-Дек-12, 17:44  [смотреть все]
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