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"Первый выпуск переносимого варианта LibreSSL"
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. "Первый выпуск LibreSSL, форка OpenSSL от проекта OpenBSD" +/
Сообщение от rob pike (?), 18-Июл-14, 06:25 
Из них - никто.

> Our main reasons for ocaml-tls are that OCaml is a modern functional language, which allows concise and declarative descriptions of the complex protocol logic and provides type safety and memory safety to help guard against programming errors. Its functional nature is extensively employed in our code: the core of the protocol is written in purely functional style, without any side effects.

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Первый выпуск переносимого варианта LibreSSL, opennews, 12-Июл-14, 00:04  [смотреть все]
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