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"Разработчики Systemd намерены внедрить кардинально новые мет..."
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. "Разработчики Systemd намерены внедрить кардинально новые мет..." +9 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 01-Сен-14, 15:13 
Предлагается не совсем это, а нечто гораздо большее

- We want a unified scheme, how we can install and update OS images, user apps, runtimes and frameworks.

- We want a unified scheme how you can relatively freely mix OS images, apps, runtimes and frameworks on the same system.

- We want a fully trusted system, where cryptographic verification of all executed code can be done, all the way to the firmware, as standard feature of the system.

- We want to allow app vendors to write their programs against very specific frameworks, under the knowledge that they will end up being executed with the exact same set of libraries chosen.

- We want to allow parallel installation of multiple OSes and versions of them, multiple runtimes in multiple versions, as well as multiple frameworks in multiple versions. And of course, multiple apps in multiple versions.

-We want everything double buffered (or actually n-fold buffered), to ensure we can reliably update/rollback versions, in particular to safely do automatic updates.

- We want a system where updating a runtime, OS, framework, or OS container is as simple as adding in a new snapshot and restarting the runtime/OS/framework/OS container.

- We want a system where we can easily instantiate a number of OS instances from a single vendor tree, with zero difference for doing this on order to be able to boot it on bare metal/VM or as a container.

- We want to enable Linux to have an open scheme that people can use to build app markets and similar schemes, not restricted to a specific vendor.

Мегастандарт Linux!

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Разработчики Systemd намерены внедрить кардинально новые мет..., opennews, 01-Сен-14, 10:44  [смотреть все]
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