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"Критическая уязвимость в сервисе Librem One, выявленная в де..."
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. "Критическая уязвимость в сервисе Librem One, выявленная в де..." +1 +/
Сообщение от anonymous (??), 02-Май-19, 12:52 
Из ссылки из комментариев чуть выше даётся такой официальный ответ:

> Why Rebranding?
> A major goal with Librem One was to provide people with convenient and easy-to-use alternatives to big tech services that respected their privacy. The key to this was the combination of decentralized services with a centralized brand. With decentralized services that used open standards and ran on free software, users aren’t locked in to any one provider and can even host services themselves (more on that in a future blog post).
> By putting services under a centralized brand, we make these decentralized services just as convenient to use as the big tech alternatives. That way an end-user doesn’t have to know what Matrix, ActivityPub, or even IMAP are or try to find all of the applications that work with those services on their particular platform. Instead, they just need to know that they want to chat, join social media, or send email.

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Критическая уязвимость в сервисе Librem One, выявленная в де..., opennews, 02-Май-19, 12:15  [смотреть все]
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