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"Релиз консольной библиотеки ncurses 6.3"
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. "Релиз консольной библиотеки ncurses 6.3" +/
Сообщение от Аноним (49), 09-Ноя-21, 21:55
2048-cli The game 2048 for your Linux terminal
bastet Evil falling block game
Gameboy Emulator A PHP Terminal GameBoy Emulator
go-life Terminal based Conway's Game of Life
Greed A game of consumption. Eat as much as you can before munching yourself into a corner!
moon-buggy Drive some car across the moon
MyMan MyMan is a video game for color and monochrome text terminals in the genre of Namco's Pac-Man
NetHack Dungeon exploration game
nInvaders Space Invaders
nSnake The classic snake game with textual interface
nudoku ncurses based sudoku game
steam-tui Just a simple TUI client for steamcmd. Allows for the graphical launching, updating, and downloading of steam games through a simple terminal client.
terminal-phase Space shooter game that runs in your terminal!
tinytetris 80x23 terminal tetris!
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Релиз консольной библиотеки ncurses 6.3, opennews, 09-Ноя-21, 17:45  [смотреть все]
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