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"Выпуск языка программирования Rust 1.68"
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. "Выпуск языка программирования Rust 1.68" –4 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (265), 10-Мрт-23, 15:05 
>From 2019 to 2022 the annual number of memory safety vulnerabilities dropped from 223 down to 85.

и там же:

>We continue to invest in tools to improve the safety of our C/C++. Over the past few releases we’ve introduced the Scudo hardened allocator, HWASAN, GWP-ASAN, and KFENCE on production Android devices. We’ve also increased our fuzzing coverage on our existing code base. Vulnerabilities found using these tools contributed both to prevention of vulnerabilities in new code as well as vulnerabilities found in old code that are included in the above evaluation.

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Выпуск языка программирования Rust 1.68, opennews, 10-Мрт-23, 08:39  [смотреть все]
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