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"OpenNews: Усовершенствования драйвера ath5k будет трудно вернуть в OpenBSD"
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. "Усовершенствования драйвера ath5k будет трудно вернуть в OpenBSD" +/
Сообщение от Michael Shigorinemail (ok), 01-Окт-07, 22:43 
Добрался почитать kerneltrap.  Очень хорошо Ts'o сказал:

> A difference is, GPL requires it under every circumstance. BSD does not,
> indeed. But how should one expect it from *OSS* people that even *they*
> don't give back? Do you really want to put yourself on the same level as
> closed-source companies?

The problem with your argument is that BSD folks have claimed that the
BSD license is morally superior --- "more free than the GPL" ---
because you don't have to "give back" (or more formally, create a
derivitive work with a copyright license more restrictive than the
BSD).  If that is true, it is the absolute height of hypocrisy to
suddenly start complaining when code is restricted via an another open
source license such as the GPL, but not complain when NetApp uses BSD
code to make million and millions of dollars without giving anything
of substantial value back.  At least in the case of GPL'ed code you
still can look at the changes and decide how and whether you to
reimplement them.  Why don't you go and try asking NetApp for sources
to WAFL, and claim that they have "moral" duty to give the code back,
and see how quickly you get laughed out of the office?


And yet, the BSD folks seem to continue to nurse the above mantra
(which was true, but quickly corrected) combined with the "and the
Linux folks aren't listening", which is manifestly not true.  We might
not agree with everything you are saying, and we might think you're
being highly hypocritical, but we are listening.


On Tue, Sep 18, 2007 at 06:29:48AM -0500, Marco Peereboom wrote:
> Now if they'd fix the copyright message to only mention Reyk all would
> be good.

It *does* mention Reyk, if you would bother to look.  The thing which
Theo is kvetching about, and which apparently is enough to cause the
*BSD zombies to start attacking without actually _checking_ _for_
_themselves_ is whether or not Jiri and Nick did enough to work so
they should have their names listed in the headers.  In other words,
all of the megabytes and megabhytes of flamewar is over these two

> * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nick Kossifidis <>
> * Copyright (c) 2007 Jiri Slaby <>

Petty, isn't it?  Let's just say it's b.s. like this which is why, 16
years ago, I decided to work with Linux instead of BSD.

                        - Ted

P.S.  And yes, before those two lines is:

> * Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Reyk Floeter <>

and after those two lines is the BSD permission notice.

PS: вообще такого потрясающего ощущения "я не хочу даже страдать дизентерией на одном гектаре с этими существами, которые повылазили со своими вывихнутыми представлениями", применительно к Pe[er]eboom и компании у меня давно уже не возникало.  "Не ходите, дети, к чОрту гулять", не будете такими же инвалидами с ситуационной этикой наперевес.

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OpenNews: Усовершенствования драйвера ath5k будет трудно вернуть в OpenBSD, opennews, 27-Сен-07, 23:41  [смотреть все]
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