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"В состав Linuх-ядра 2.6.34 будет включена распределенная фай..."
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. "В состав Linuх-ядра 2.6.34 будет включена распределенная фай..." –1 +/
Сообщение от минона (?), 20-Мрт-10, 16:47 
на фоне вышесказанного lustre (которую уже надо переименовать в что-то типа sustre) выглядит набором костылей - A Lustre file system has three major functional units:
1. A single metadata target (MDT) per filesystem that stores metadata, such as filenames, directories, permissions, and file layout, on the metadata server (MDS)
2. One or more object storage servers (OSSes) that store file data on one or more object storage targets (OSTs). Depending on the server’s hardware, an OSS typically serves between two and eight targets, each target a local disk filesystem up to 8 terabytes (TBs) in size. The capacity of a Lustre file system is the sum of the capacities provided by the targets
3. Client(s) that access and use the data. Lustre presents all clients with standard POSIX semantics and concurrent read and write access to the files in the filesystem.
MDTs and OSTs currently use a modified version of ext3 to store data. In the future, Sun's ZFS/DMU will also be used to store data.
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В состав Linuх-ядра 2.6.34 будет включена распределенная фай..., opennews, 19-Мрт-10, 23:42  [смотреть все]
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