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"АНБ ведёт особое наблюдение за посетителями сайтов Tor, Tail..."
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. "АНБ ведёт особое наблюдение за посетителями сайтов Tor, Tail..." +/
Сообщение от Michael Shigorinemail (ok), 04-Июл-14, 14:56 
> Если низя, но очень хочется, то можно.

Вот что вчерась на эту тему Алан писал:

PS: продублирую для удобства (выделение моё):

Todays reason not to host in the USA

This is a further demonstration that the DMCA takedown policy needs balancing. Qualcomm seem to have made a complete #facepalm of it, and potentially violated the GPL in the process but this probably wouldn't occur if there were

- legal sanctions for making DMCA takedown claims that were not properly checked and reviewed
- US law actually allowed 'little people'  (to quote Bladerunner) to actually doing something back - like file for defamation or negligence on the part of Qualcomm.

Then there would be an economic incentive for the takedown people to improve their tools.

Unfortunately however the DMCA follows the current US (and increasingly general Western) narrative seen with so many other actions.

- The law is for big people only
- Big industry can lobby for and get rights but no responsibilities.

and then there is no balance.

Isn't it a good job things like the SCO case happened before these laws really got going. Today a lawsuit like that would have started by casually taking down every hosting server, wiping all references from search engines and blocking people who dared to host it on sites like the pirate bay.

In the US and EU today you probably can't create another Linux like event, big interests would swat it like a fly.

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АНБ ведёт особое наблюдение за посетителями сайтов Tor, Tail..., opennews, 04-Июл-14, 00:20  [смотреть все]
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