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"Выпуск операционной системы Redox OS 0.8, написанной на языке Rust "
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. "Выпуск операционной системы Redox OS 0.8, написанной на язык..." +/
Сообщение от Аноним (109), 24-Ноя-22, 19:28 
In addition to the exciting technical changes, there is also organizational news to share. Redox OS received a donation of $400,000 (USD). This donation was anonymous, and the way in which it was made anonymous has made it not possible to use at this time. Presently, I am working with a legal team on determining specifically how the OFAC sanctions on Tornado Cash apply to this donation, which was made through Tornado Cash. At present, as I am a US citizen, I have blocked the transfer of this donation in order to comply with potential OFAC sanctions. In the event that I am allowed to use this donation, I will describe in another news post what it means for Redox OS.
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Выпуск операционной системы Redox OS 0.8, написанной на языке Rust , opennews, 24-Ноя-22, 07:41  [смотреть все]
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