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IRC Undernet Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (Part 2 of 2)

This posting contains useful information regarding IRC and an alternative network to the EFnet - the Undernet IRC network. Please read this before posting to alt.irc.undernet, alt.irc.questions, alt.irc, or alt.irc.ircii
Posted-By: auto-faq
Archive-name: irc/undernet-faq/part2
Version: $Id: undernet-faq, v3.2.0 1995/08/07 13:23 mandar Exp $


      Undernet IRC FAQ [Part II] (updated 1st Sept. 1996) - Weekly Repost

                Version 1 By Paul Grant (Grant)

                Version 2-3   -   written by Mandar Mirashi (Mmmm)
                                             [email protected]

The FAQ consists of answers to several frequently asked questions on the
IRC newsgroups. Please don't ask these questions again, they've been
answered plenty of times already - and please don't flame someone just 
because they may not have read this particular posting.  Thank you.

The FAQ consists of the following sections.

I)       IRC for the newcomer
II)      The Undernet (for the newcomer)
III)     The Undernet (for people on other nets)
IV)      The Undernet (how can you participate?) 
V)       Acknowledgements/References
VI)      Undernet IRC server list

This article covers sections II - VI, and includes answers to:

Section II: The Undernet (for the irc newcomer)
- - -----------------------------------------------
2-1)  Well, I understand what a server is. Now what's a net?
2-2)  So far, so good. Now, why's this net called the "Undernet"?
2-3)  How do I find the closest Undernet server to me?
2-4)  Whom do I approach if I have questions?
2-5)  What are some good channels to try?
2-6)  Say...can I join some mailing list which helps with IRC questions,
      or discusses IRC in general?
2-7)  Are there any Undernet ftp/www/gopher sites?

Section III : The Undernet (for people on other nets)
- - -----------------------------------------------------
3-1)  What is the Undernet? Where does the term EFnet come from?
3-2)  Why does the Undernet exist? Do we need another IRC?
3-3)  How is the Undernet IRC protocol different from/better than the
      EFnet (and other nets)?
3-4)  So, can you summarise the advantages of the Undernet?
3-5)  Cool! Do I need to make any changes to my .ircrc file?
3-6)  How do I get to the Undernet from the EFnet (and other nets)?
3-7)  Hmm..someone was foolish enough to hand out ops to an untrustworthy
      person on our channel, who proceeded to do a mass deop, and left.
      Can something be done?
3-8)  Can I move my channel to the Undernet? What are the advantages of
      doing so? How do I register a channel?
3-9)  Can I communicate with someone on the EFnet once I'm on the Undernet?
      (or vice-versa)
3-10) Who are the Undernet programmers?
3-11) What does the future hold for the Undernet?

Section IV: The Undernet (How can I participate?)
- - -------------------------------------------------
4-1)  So, how do I get to be an "IRC op"? Why can't I be one?
4-2)  How do I apply for a link for my server to the Undernet? What are the
4-3)  How do I volunteer to do some work for the Undernet? No, I'm not
      looking for an O line.  I just like being nice and helpful to people.
      How do I participate?
4-4)  I have some ideas for the future design of ircd. I may also be
      interested in doing some programming for the Undernet. Whom do I

If you're looking for the answer to, say, question 2-5, and want to skip
everything else, you can search ahead for the regular expression "^2-5".
(/2-5  in case you use vi). 

While I have tried my best to keep the FAQ updated, there may be 
inadvertent mistakes or omissions. Is there a question that you find
frequently asked, but not mentioned? Please send all suggested additions/
corrections/deletions/comments/etc. to [email protected]

This FAQ (both parts) can be obtained via anonymous ftp from 
or under  /irc/docs, or from under 
/pub/usenet/alt.irc/    If ftp does not work from your site, then try
the mail server: send email to [email protected] with

send usenet/news.answers/irc/undernet-faq/part1
send usenet/news.answers/irc/undernet-faq/part2

URL's on the World Wide Web for this FAQ are:

and, the latest version can always be found at:

P.S. : This FAQ widely refers to the Unix ircII client and many commands
       might not work the same way if you aren't using ircII.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Section II: The Undernet (for the irc newcomer)

2-1)  Well, I understand what a server is. Now what's a net?

      IRC servers are connected together in a 'tree' like fashion
      (an undirected acyclic graph to be precise). A collection of
      IRC servers is called an IRC net. The command /links will 
      display all servers on a net. The command /lusers will display
      the number of users, servers, and channels on a given net.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2-2)  So far, so good. Now, why's this net called the "Undernet"?

      The term "Undernet" was suggested in jest by some of the original
      operators (dl, Wildthang and Whizzard) who started it. As time
      went by, the name stuck. :-) Upon hearing the name people often
      think that it's a net where something illegal goes on - which isn't
      quite the case. On the other hand, the name also imparts a mysterious
      angle to the IRC net. On the whole, it's a very friendly net with
      an easy going atmosphere. Most people are nice and helpful to

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2-3)  How do I find the closest Undernet server to me?

      Luckily for you, all Undernet servers follow names of the format:


      Thus, you can easily locate the closest server to you. In most
      cases, this also turns out to be closest netwise as well. The
      command /links lists all servers. Choose one which is closest
      to you, and simply type  /server servername. Also, the following
      aliases are set up, country/continent wise:  - USA  - Europe  - Australia  - Canada
      You can try a /server and see if that works
      for you.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2-4)  Whom do I approach if I have questions?

      You are always welcome on #wasteland - the help channel. Please
      remember that depending upon the time, #wasteland volunteers may be
      slow in responding since most peek into the window once in a while.
      However, someone or the other is sure to help you out! You may also
      try out #newbies, #help, #irchelp, #oldbies, #newbieplus.

      Another avenue is the [email protected] (general irc help) and
      [email protected] (irc oper mailing list)mailing lists - try
      mailing your question to these. You may even mail your server admin
      for more information (/admin will return information on the admin 
      for that server and his/her email address).

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2-5)  What are some good channels to try?

      New channels are starting up on the Undernet almost everyday. Given
      the dynamic nature of channels, the channel names can vary, but a few
      are fairly stable.

          Technical: #unix, #hack, #appleiigs, #linux, #linpeople, #amiga,
                     #root, #Windows95, #WindowsNT, #macintosh, #cu-seeme,
                     #c, #visualbasic, #11NSChat
       General chat: #chatzone, #chat, #friendly, #hotsex, #popcorn,
                        #teenchat, #ark, #talk2me, #gayteen, #readyroom,
                        #forest, #thecafe, #vampcafe, #asd, #big-folks,
                        #chitchat, #callahans, #cafebleu
         Age groups: #25plus, #30plus, #41plus, #65plus
               Help: #wasteland, #help, #irchelp, #vmshelp, #newbies,
                        #newbies2, #newbplus
              Games: #riskybus, #jargon, #acro, #chaos, #doomsday, #trivbot
                        #conquest, #chessland, #poker, #Initgame, #boggle
             Sports: #cricket, #football, #baseball
   States/Countries: #canada, #dutch, #india, #slovenija, #ireland,
                        #england, #korea, #russian, #asian, #germany,
                        #taiwan, #quebec, #italia, #mexico, #nz, #latinos
           Religion: #Christians, #bible, #Ccm, #Christian, #wicca, #prayer,
                        #fellowship, #mormon
           TV shows: #loisnclark, #X-files, #animaniacs
          Languages: #espanol, #francais
                Sex: #netsex, #sex, #wetsex, #bdsm, #spanking, #erotica
         Philosophy: #AynRand
      Fantasy/Role-playing:  #waste

      Feel free to try any of these. New channels are created each day.
      you can check out these with a /names or a /list command. The
      Undernet service X also supports keyword searches for registered
                 /msg X search keyword

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2-6)  Say...can I join some mailing list which helps with IRC questions,
      or discusses IRC in general?

      The list  [email protected]  has been set up for people requesting
      general help regarding irc questions. The list
      [email protected]  has been set up as a medium for IRC opers
      to communicate, and discuss ideas, amongst other things. To join
      either of these, send mail to [email protected] with the word
      "help" in the body  which will send you back further information.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2-7)  Are there any Undernet ftp/www/gopher sites?

       Undernet FTP sites ->  

       Undernet WWW URLs -> 

 is an alias for
 is an alias for
 is an alias for

       Undernet gopher site -> (aka

          To get to the Undernet gopher site, follow these directions:
          Main menu 
            -> Other Gopher and Information Servers/
              -> North America/    
                -> USA/
                  -> Utah/
                    -> Dixie College Science Gopher (St. George, Utah)/ 
                      -> IRC (Internet Relay Chat)/

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Section III : The Undernet (for people on other nets)

3-1)  What is the Undernet? Where does the term EFnet come from?

      The Undernet is a separate collection of IRC servers on a different
      network. The servers follow a much better server-server protocol,
      while maintaining the same server-client protocol. It's much smaller
      than its counterpart the EFnet, and was designed to supplement the
      EFnet. The term EFnet stands for eris-free net. (
      was a server on the net which is now no longer there) The small size
      of the Undernet also works to advantage and is often considered by
      many as a good thing. On the Undernet all the operators know one
      another, people are more friendly and there are (as yet) no unsavoury

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3-2)  Why does the Undernet exist? Do we need another IRC?

      Why not? At the moment the EFnet IRC is overloaded with users. There 
      are frequent netsplits involving not just the odd servers, but in 
      increasing cases a significant number of servers. Too much pressure 
      is put onto the EFnet IRC due to the (unforeseen) explosion of users 
      it has gained. Many people don't ask _if_ the EFnet irc will survive, 
      but when will it go...

      For this reason the Undernet stands out as a Good Thing (tm). It can
      help take the load off of the EFnet IRC and prolong its day of 
      judgement, hopefully for long enough that a solution to its problems 
      can be found. The Undernet consists of some very highly motivated and 
      dedicated people enthusiastic to make a success of their venture.

      There is another reason why the Undernet is here. EFnet IRC is becoming
      more and more politicized, day by day. With various EFnet IRC admins
      forming groups against one another, the amount of co-operation between 
      them has become almost nil. The time which they could spend in serving 
      you, the user, is instead spent in endless bickering.

      Undernet is a net where the operators are friendly easy going folks, and 
      are always happy to help the users as far as possible. Abusing users is 
      *highly* frowned upon, and opers follow a certain "Undernetiquette". 
      Feel free to ask any questions that you may have, and though you may 
      not always be guaranteed of an answer, we will surely do our best to 
      help you in any way whenever possible, and in making your stay more 

      Yet another goal of the Undernet is to provide a better environment
      for users to communicate in, with protection against malicious users
      who try to work *against* IRC and its principles. The Undernet has an
      improved server-server protocol which disallows netsplit op riders,
      with no channel desynchs, or intentional nick collides possible.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3-3)  How is the Undernet IRC protocol different from/better than the
      EFnet (and other nets)?

      As time has gone by, Undernet IRC programmers have come forward with
      innovative solutions to stem some of the problems plaguing the
      current EFnet. A lot of creative solutions have been coded  by our
      major ircd programmer - Run ([email protected]), and implemented 
      on the Undernet servers. These include:

      * TSpre8 - This patch makes it impossible for anyone to abuse
        netsplits and ride ops and do mass deops on your channel or lock it
        up. Mode changes are followed with a channel creation TS (timestamp) 
        which is used to then reverse invalid mode changes.  TS pre8 also
        includes code which makes it difficult for even irc admins to hack
        their server to do fake mode changes without HACK notices being 
        sent to all opers. TSpre8 also enables oper wallops.

      * bquiet - This patch prevents someone banned on the channel to send
        to it or change nicks. Extremely useful since /kick is almost never
        needed, and counters annoying nick changing automatons with a
        single ban until they flood themselves out.

      * silence - This patch cuts off flooding at the *local* server. Thus,
        unlike /ignore where your client continues to receive floods (even
        though you don't see them) and gets ping timed out, silence enables
        you to completely get rid of intentional flooders. To use silence,
        the syntax is: /silence +user@host   or /silence nick.

      * ANC - The anti-nick collide patch foils intentional nick colliders
        who try changing servers during netsplits on the EFnet and obtain 
        the same nick in order to collide you when the net rejoins. With
        the anc patch, this is no longer possible, and the person who 
        signs on *later* is rejected from the server.
      In addition to the above obligatory patches for all Undernet servers
      (all developed by Run), many Undernet servers also run the foll. 
      optional patches:
      * ban - Developed FIRST on the Undernet by SIO, it was soon adopted 
        by some servers on the EFnet. This patch allows you to see who
        set bans and when on a channel.

      * To - topic info - Also developed first on the Undernet by SIO, this 
        patch allows you to see who set the topic on a channel and the time 
        that it was set.

      * S - Signon time  - Another Undernet first, coded by SIO, this patch
        allows you to see when another person on the same server as
        yourself, signed on.

      The foll. patches which are also optionally installed, are more of 
      interest to IRC admins:

      * KL - Kill line comments - Developed by Mmmm. Allow you to specify
        a comment on the K line instead of the plain stupid error message
        of "ghosts are not allowed". You may even choose to have a file
        output to a K lines client.

      * TT - Trace times - Developed by Tonto. Appends a number indicating 
        in milliseconds, the amount of time lapse since the server last heard 
        from the server/ client. Depending upon your Y lines setup, you can
        use this as a judge to determine ping timeouts.

      * Cl - Client connect - Developed by Twilight1. Notifies you of local
        client connects/disconnects. Useful for spotting clone bots.

      * sw - /stats w - Developed on the EFnet by mlv. Lets you gather
        statistics on average client connects per hour, day, etc. and keeps
        track on maxconnections on the server so far.

      * MC - mixed case - Developed by Jon2/mlv. Helpful patch to disallow
        users with mixed case userids (usually fake) from connecting.

      * OF - oper fail - Developed by Jon2/bry. Notifies local opers when
        a local user tried to /oper and failed.

      For more information on these patches and how they work, you can
      ftp to and fetch /irc/servers/README.patches 

      NOTE: The Undernet has been a pioneer in many of these improvements.
      We now have released the latest version of server code u2.9 which
      continues to offer more improvemenets (reduction of interserver
      bursts, anti-ip spoof patch, anti-clone patch, etc) for our users.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3-4)  So, can you summarise the advantages of the Undernet?

      The Undernet offers users the following advantages:

      * Lesser lag due to more intelligent routing based solely on ping
        times and traceroutes.
      * Fewer netsplits (these too are attended to by an automatic
        routing service which reconnects on splits).
      * No netsplit op riders to harass channels.
      * No channel desynchs and servers telling you that you aren't opped.
      * No nick colliders.
      * All the useful patches discussed in the earlier answer are
        implemented on most servers.
      * User friendly operators willing to help you.
      * Innovative new services such as MURC (check out channel #waste)
      * Channel registration for popular channels 

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3-5)  Cool! Do I need to make any changes to my .ircrc file (ircII users)?

      Yes, you will need to add the following lines to your .ircrc if you
      use ircII, and would like to take full advantage of all the patches.

# Ban patch
on ^367 * if ([$4] != []) {echo *** $1 \($3 - $stime($4)) $2} {echo *** $1-}

# Topic info patch
on ^333 * echo *** Topic for $1 set by $2 on $stime($3)

# Signon time patch
on ^317 * if (index(012345679 $3) != -1) {echo *** $1 has been idle for $2 seconds.  Signon at $stime($3)} {echo *** $1 has been idle for $2 seconds.}

# TSpre8 - channel creation time
On ^329 "*" echo *** $1 : created $stime($2)

# handy aliases for the silence command and a required on raw_irc
alias silence quote silence
alias sile quote silence
on ^raw_irc "% SILENCE %" echo *** $*

# If you use Daveman's toolbox or any auto rejoin line, remove the old
# on raw_irc for KICK, and use the foll. one instead: (Run)
# [Remove the # symbol at the beginning to uncomment the lines of course]
#on ^raw_irc "% KICK % % *" {
#    if ([$3]==[$N])
#      {
#        //quote join $2
#        echo $mid(11 5 $stime($time())) * You have been kicked off channel $2 by $left($index(! $0) $0) \($mid(1 256 $4-)\)
#       }
#     {
#        echo $mid(11 5 $stime($time())) * $3 has been kicked off channel $2 by $left($index(! $0) $0) \($mid(1 256 $4-)\)
#      }
#                           }

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3-6)  How do I get to the Undernet from the EFnet (or other nets)?

      It is very easy to switch to the Undernet if you're currently on the
      EFnet. Simply use the command,   
            /server servername
      or if a port is specified  (all European Undernet servers run on
      port  7000)
            /server servername port#

      Most Undernet servers now listen on ports 6660-6669.

      Sometimes, the "symbolic" name for the server may not work, and you
      may need the "numeric" address (a string of numbers) instead. Listed
      in the Appendix is a list of Undernet servers along with their
      numeric addresses and ports wherever relevant.

      All Undernet servers are registered in the domain. Also,
      they follow the format: or, E.g US servers are
      and european servers are 
      This will make it easy for you to remember how to get to the Undernet.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3-7)  Hmm..someone was foolish enough to hand out ops to an untrustworthy
      person on our channel, who proceeded to do a mass deop, and left.
      Can something be done?

      The Undernet has a special service known as Uworld which takes care
      of reopping channels, and is accessible by operators. However, strict
      guidelines are in effect for its use. An oper will refuse to use
      Uworld if there already exist chanops on the channel. Uworld can be
      used if a channel has lost channel ops for some reason *and* channel
      users are unhappy about it *and* they are decided upon who's to be 
      opped. To make sure that users realise the responsibility of the
      decision of sharing ops with someone else, a time delay may occur
      before the channel is reopped. Above all, it is *your* responsibility
      that you do not lose ops on your channel - an oper is not *obliged*
      to reop channels who lose ops due to carelessness on behalf of the
      current chanops.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3-8)  Can I move my channel to the Undernet? What are the advantages of
      doing so? How do I register a channel?

      You're welcome to start up your favourite channel on the Undernet as
      well. Consider the many advantages. Much better facilities for
      chatting, without the annoyingly frequent netsplits; much lesser lag
      (check with /ping #channelname for yourself :); protection against
      netsplit op riders who try to disrupt channels; no channel desynchs;
      amongst the other advantages listed earlier.  We may even be able to
      set up a gateway service between the same channels on both nets, if
      all channel members are willing. (email [email protected],
      if you wish to do this; or email [email protected] or
      [email protected]). Undernet operators are always willing to
      help you in this endeavour, so don't hesitate to ask us.

      *NEW* The Undernet now has a channel service called X, which can
      protect channels. You need to have at least 10-15 supporters for
      for your channel. You can email [email protected] for
      more information or check out

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3-9)  Can I communicate with someone on the EFnet once I'm on the Undernet?
      (or vice-versa)

      Occasionally, a few gateway services can be found on the Undernet
      which allow you to communicate to someone not on the same net, or
      which link channels. These include 'ul' - programmed by Tonto 
      ([email protected]), || - programmed by Wildthang (dvmitche@mailhost., Orac - programmed by Ensor ([email protected]),
      and miscellaneous others (including some by Run). Look around if
      any of these is present, and if so, try /msg servicename help.

      You can also be simultaneously on *both* nets if you use ircII. Try
      the command:
                    /window new server servername
      where servername is the name of a server on the other net. This will
      split your screen into two windows, with each window on different
      servers. If you specify a server on a different net, then you will be 
      on different nets. You can use Ctrl-x p  (hit ctrl-x, release, then 
      hit p) to flip between windows. (if that doesn't work, you may try 
      /window goto 1 and  /window goto 2) Type /help window   to get more 
      extensive help.
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3-10) Who are the Undernet programmers?

      The Undernet programming team has many members - all of them very
      enthusiastic and deeply dedicated to the cause. Here's a brief 
      description of what each person does/codes/maintains:

      * Run ([email protected]) - Our magic ircd programmer. He
        coded the foll. important patches:
         o TSpre8    o ANC    o bquiet   o silence
        In addition, Run also maintains Undernet's automatic Router. He
        also coded, a backup for Uworld. 
      * WildThang ([email protected]) - Our magic "user services"
        programmer. Wildthang is the coder for Uworld, Murc, quick
        ircIIhelp, and telnet client services. The Undernet hosts the
        world's first MURC (Join #waste on the Undernet to find out what
        a murc is :). Wildthang's also the coder for the gateway service ||.

      * SIO ([email protected]) - Coder for the Undernet Nickserv. Also
        coded the ban, topic and signon info patches which are found with
        the .mu versions of the server.

      * hop ([email protected]) - Our magic ircII client enhancer. Hop
        has done an extensive facelift to current ircII versions. His latest
        version was ircII2.3.17+10.4. The UPDATES file which reflect new
        additions to the client is 500 lines in size! You can ftp this from under /irc/clients

      * Mmmm ([email protected]) - He's responsible for
        maintaining the auto-magic ircII install on He also
        codes and maintains the smallirc client, and does minor  ircd
        patches and releases.

      * Karll ([email protected]) - Multipurpose programmer. He has
        coded useful routines for both ircd as well as hop's client.

      * Tonto ([email protected]) - He was the author of the gateway service
        'ul'. He's also done some ircd programming for the Undernet.

      * Cym/Kev/Ensor/flux/dl/President/S_Avatar/TheJester/epa/Snarf - these 
        are our other programmers who have chipped in useful things from 
        time to time.

      * Seks - He's the author of the famous channel service X/W. 'nuff said.

      * All other members of the coder-com mailing list.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3-11) What does the future hold for the Undernet?

      All of us envisage a bright future for the Undernet. Userbase has
      been slowly rising. So has the stability of servers in general. 
      More and more improvements have been done to the protocol in
      general, and have proven successful. 

      Given the surprising success of the Undernet, many attempts have
      been made to imitate it in the form of other nets. Other nets such
      as the Lamenet, 3l33tnet, IAOnet, dalnet, idealnet, etc sprung up in 
      recent years.  None of these however have exhibited the originality of 
      ideas or creativity  shown by innovative Undernet programmers. 
      A famous saying goes: "Imitation is the best form of flattery".

      We hope that you will take time to visit us on the Undernet, and
      share in its bright future. The final goal of Undernet ircd 
      programmers is to eliminate or minimize all problems that plague
      the current EFnet. The journey has just begun....

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Section IV: The Undernet (How can you participate?) 

4-1)  So, how do I get to be an "IRC op"? Why can't I be one?

      The Undernet admins do not give ops to people who *ask* for them.
      If you participate in the net by helping people, and in general
      following proper Undernetiquette, you might merit attention and
      your name may be suggested on the wastelanders mailing list. IRC
      ops are scrutinized carefully before being added. Basically, no
      ops are handed out to people who (i) are hardly around or (ii)
      ignore pleas for help or (iii) want ops just for kill power or
      (iv) want ops because it gives them a sense of "power" over other 
      users, and to look "cool". Remember, asking for ops only makes your
      case *worse*. If you're worthy, and other feel that you're competent
      enough, you'll be approached to volunteer for oper. IRC ops are
      expected to have been on IRC for a long time, and must possess an
      adequate amount of knowledge to help Undernet users. They are also
      responsible for keeping servers connected and abiding by the general
      guidelines of the Undernet.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4-2)  How do I apply for a link for my server to the Undernet? What are the 
      At the time of writing this document, the Undernet will not consider
      any more links unless you're situated in an exceptionally good
      location (read "one hop off the T3 backbone in the US, or other
      equivalent backbone networks in Europe/elsewhere"). Use traceroute
      and ping to determine your location. If you feel you are eligible
      for a link, read the files in the /irc/newlinks directory at ftp. Post your proposal to the wastelanders mailing list
      - [email protected]. Remember, all Undernet servers *must*
      run with the approval of the system admin at that site. If you do not
      receive a response within a week, you can safely assume that the 
      Undernet cannot provide you links (though usually, a response, either
      positive or negative will be sent). For a more elaborate discussion,
      you may join #wasteland and talk to other IRC admins to discuss your

      *NEW* -> With the formation of committees on the Undernet, the
      Routing/Servers Committee handles all routing/link decisions. Make
      sure you send a copy of the newlink document to [email protected]
      as well.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4-3)  How do I volunteer to do some work for the Undernet? No, I'm not
      looking for an O line.  I just like being nice and helpful to people. 
      How do I participate?

      The Undernet is *always* looking for people like you. We are always
      short of volunteers to help other people. Have you benefitted from
      your experience with the Undernet? Have you enjoyed your time on
      IRC here? We encourage you to give back to the net what you got from
      it. You are encouraged to help. Even if you lurk around on #wasteland
      and familiarize yourself with frequently asked questions on the
      channel, and their answers, it would take a BIG load off many of the
      operators who were quite selflessly devoted to helping you, when you
      started off. You can join the wastelanders mailing list (mail
      [email protected] or [email protected] with the 
      word "help" in the body for information on how to subscribe). Please 
      do what you can. Every little bit counts! 

      *NEW* -> The Undernet has set up a Users' Committee to receive
      input from users like yourself. To subscribe to the mailing list,
      send mail to [email protected] with "subscribe user-com"
      in the body. The URL on the World Wide Web for the User Committee
      home page is

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4-4)  I have some ideas for the future design of ircd. I may also be
      interested in doing some programming for the Undernet. Whom do I

      The Undernet is always on the search of new solutions to existing
      problems. If you think you can help us in this endeavour, welcome
      aboard! Subscribe to the wastelanders mailing list (send mail to
      [email protected] with "subscribe wastelanders" in the body)
      and tell us about your ideas. After a period of discussion, and
      depending upon everyone's views, we may give you the "go ahead"
      to program it! Yes, watch *your* code being run on servers around
      the world, with your name in our acknowledgements. The Undernet
      programming team is a tightly knit set of enthusiastic individuals.
      Feel free to participate.

      *NEW* -> The Undernet has set up an ircd coders' committee. To
      subscribe to the mailing list, send mail to [email protected]
      with "subscribe coder-com" in the body.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* First off, to Jarkko Oikarinen (WiZ) for this wonderful invention.
* To the telnet site maintainers at bradenville where I first accessed irc.
* To the ircII coders (Mike Sandrof, Troy Rollo, Matthew Green, Ian
  Frechette, Jeremy Nelson).
* To Run for his magic improvements to Undernet ircd.
* To Wildthang (Danny) for his advice as a friend and as an awesome
  Undernet irc services programmer.
* To Fizzy (Adrian Hall) for the impetus he lent to the Undernet.
* To TikTok (Donna) who's gonna bear the misery of proofing this.
* To all wastelanders/Undernetters for helpful tips and comments.
* Thanks to all others who have helped me in this faq - you are too 
  numerous to mention - you know who you are.
* Thanks also to my critics and enemies. Without your existence, I
  wouldn't have had the inspiration to go on.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* The ircII help pages.
* RFC1459
* IRCprimer by Nicholas Pioch.
* alt.irc FAQ by Helen Trillian Rose Davis.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

APPENDIX: The Undernet Server List

Updated:  1st June 1996

- - ----------------------
Explanation of entries
- - ----------------------
  line  1: server name and port number
  line  2: machine name and IP numeric
  line  3: location

- - --------------------
Undernet server list

NORTH AMERICA (Although the default port is 6667, for faster access,
=============  try ports 6660-6669)

- - ------
  server: 6667
location: Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Quebec, Canada
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: Internet Direct, Vancouver, Canada
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: Magic Online Services, Toronto, Canada
   admin: [email protected]

- - ---
  server: 6667
location: University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: America On-Line, Washington DC, USA
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: CICnet, Ann-Arbor, Michigan, USA
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: Chicago, Illinois, USA
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: Chicago, Illinois, USA
   admin: [email protected], [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: Arizona Macintosh Users' Group, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
   admin: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: MCI/NewsCorp. Internet Ventures, Lowell, Massachusetts, USA.
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: Wildstar Internet, Oklahoma city, Oklahoma, USA
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: Connectnet Internet services, Sandiego, California, USA
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: Internet 1st Inc., St. Louis, Missouri, USA
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: Dallas Metroplex, Dallas, Texas, USA
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: Ozark Net, Springfield, Missouri, USA
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: ArosNet IRC server, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: Decade Communications Inc., Los Angeles, California, USA
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: Cetlink, Rockhill, South Carolina, USA.
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: ABSnet, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: Iowa Network Services, Des Moines, Iowa, USA.
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: AT&T Worldnet, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA.
   admin: [email protected]


  server: 7000 
location: Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Ingenieurs de Caen, France
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: Vrije Universitet, Amsterdam, Netherlands
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: Planet Internet, Diemen, Netherlands
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: Internet Plaza, Almere, Netherlands.
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667 
Location: Aladdin Internet, London, UK
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
Location: Lulea Academic Computer Society, Lulea, Sweden
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
Location: Schibsted Nett AS, Oslo, Norway
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
Location: Planet Internet, Vlaanderen, Belgium
   admin: [email protected], [email protected]

  server: 6667
Location: Regensburg, Germany.
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
Location: Goettingen, Germany.
   admin: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

AUSTRALIA (accessible only within *.au)
  server: 6667
location: U of Wollongong, Dept of Computer Science, Wollongong, Australia
   admin: [email protected]

  server: 6667
location: Internet Company of New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand.
   admin: [email protected]

=======================  (Nickserv)  (Murc)  (Router) (X)

Version: 2.6.2

Mandar Mirashi            
Maintainer:, Undernet IRC FAQ.
For IRC help/Undernet information, check out 

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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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