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Форум Оптимизация и Промышленные системы
OpenAIS+peacemaker не работает миграция, !*! Madnokia, 18-Авг-11, 09:25  [ | | | ] [линейный вид] [смотреть все] [раскрыть новое]
  • Отвечу сам себе Может кому пригодится crm_resource -C -V --force -r xen_r5 -H d, !*! Madnokia (ok), 12:56 , 18-Авг-11 (1)
    Отвечу сам себе. Может кому пригодится.

    crm_resource -C -V --force -r xen_r5 -H dom0b

    решило ситуацию.

    А это объяснение:

    >>> "Taldevkar, Chetan" <chetan.taldevkar at> 18.07.2007 07:23 >>>
    >Hi all,
    >When I start cluster lunixha is able to invoke start call on both the
    >nodes. On first node start fails as script calls echo "stopped"
    >followed by exit 1 as this resource needs to be running on the second
    >node. After that it successfully starts on second node. But if I
    >simulate error conditions on second node it does not invoke the script
    >on first node resulting no failover.

    As far as I know: As soon as a RA couldn't be started on a node this
    RA is not able to start there anymore. You have to use crm_resource -C
    (--force) to reset the information that this RA couldn't be started there.
    So, if you like the resource to be run initially on node 2 add a
    location constraint to the resource and it will be started on the
    second node. After a failure of that resource heartbeat will start
    it on the first one if and only if the values for stickiness and
    failure stickiness are set properly.

    Best regards
    Andreas Mock

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