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"В Debian инициировано общее голосование по поддержке петиции против Столлмана"
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. "В Debian инициировано общее голосование по поддержке петиции..." +/
Сообщение от Michael Shigorinemail (ok), 29-Мрт-21, 13:49 
Автор этого текста в другом месте отметился:

--- cmpunches commented Mar 27, 2021
I think the first step is in acknowledging that this is a narcissistic smear campaign, and that it fits the archetypal model for one. These are what are called "flying monkeys".

Yes, they are engaging in poor behaviour but there is one or two people behind the effort -- in this case, the effort is run by Molly De Blanc and Elana Hashman.

These types of campaigns are notoriously difficult to hold at bay from a legal perspective. I have seen this type of thing a few times in the f/oss community and once outside of it.

--- cmpunches commented Mar 27, 2021
What's helped with me in the past dealing with campaigns like that is publishing their activity in a harassment journal that is google-indexed and then linking to it when it comes up. Every instance with details that can be used by a community to identify assailants. It won't bring alot of post-hoc justice but it will slow down their activity a great deal.

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В Debian инициировано общее голосование по поддержке петиции против Столлмана, opennews, 26-Мрт-21, 07:48  [смотреть все]
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