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DtDndDragStart (3)
  • >> DtDndDragStart (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
         DtDndDragStart, DtDndVaDragStart - initiate a drag
         #include <Dt/Dnd.h>
         Widget DtDndDragStart(Widget dragSource,
                               XEvent *event,
                               DtDndProtocol protocol,
                               Cardinal numItems,
                               unsigned char operations,
                               XtCallbackList convertCallback,
                               XtCallbackList dragFinishCallback,
                               ArgList argList,
                               Cardinal argCount);
         Widget DtDndVaDragStart(Widget dragSource,
                                 XEvent *event,
                                 DtDndProtocol protocol,
                                 Cardinal numItems,
                                 unsigned char operations,
                                 XtCallbackList convertCallback,
                                 XtCallbackList dragFinishCallback,
         The DtDndDragStart() and DtDndVaDragStart()  functions  ini-
         tiate  a  Motif  drag,  with drag visuals appropriate to the
         type of data being  dragged,  and  updates  the  translation
         table  of  the  drag  context.   Either  of the functions is
         called from the application's event  handler,  which  inter-
         prets mouse events to determine when a drag should begin.
         The only difference between  DtDndDragStart()  and  DtDndVa-
         DragStart()  is  how the argument list is passed.  The argu-
         ment list is passed as an ArgList  to  DtDndDragStart()  and
         using varargs for DtDndVaDragStart().
         The dragSource argument is  the  widget  that  received  the
         event that triggered the drag.
         The event argument is the  button  press  or  button  motion
         event that triggered the drag.
         The protocol argument specifies the protocol  used  for  the
         data transfer.  Valid values are:
                  A list of text is being transferred.
                  A list of file names is being transferred.
                  A list of memory buffers is being transferred.
         The numItems argument specifies the number  of  items  being
         The operations argument indicates which operations the drag-
         Source supports.  The operations are:
                  Copy operations are valid.
                  Link operations are valid.
                  Move operations are valid.
         A drag source can support any combination  of  these  opera-
         tions.  A combination of operations is specified by the bit-
         wise inclusive OR of several operation values.  For example,
         to support the move and copy operations, the application can
              XmDROP_MOVE | XmDROP_COPY
         The convertCallback argument is a callback function that  is
         invoked  when  a  drop  has  started  and  the drop site has
         requested data from the drag source.  The convertCallback is
         responsible  for  providing  the data that is transferred to
         the drop site.  The arguments for  the  convertCallback  are
         the Motif Drag Context, an XtPointer to application-supplied
         client data, and an  XtPointer  to  a  DtDndConvertCallback-
         Struct structure.
         The dragFinishCallback argument is a callback function  that
         is  invoked  when the drag and drop transaction is complete.
         The dragFinishCallback is called after the  convertCallback,
         if  applicable.  (The convertCallback is called only after a
         drop has started on an eligible drop site, whereas  dragFin-
         ishCallback  is  called  after the drag finishes, whether or
         not a drop occurred.)  The dragFinishCallback  should  reset
         any drag motion handler and free any memory allocated by the
         drag source during the drag and drop transaction.  The argu-
         ments for the dragFinishCallback are the Motif Drag Context,
         an XtPointer to application-supplied  client  data,  and  an
         XtPointer to a DtDndDragFinishCallbackStruct structure.
      Argument Value Pairs
         The DtDndDragStart() and DtDndVaDragStart()  functions  sup-
         port  the  following  optional  argument-value pairs.  Motif
         resources can be set via the argument list as well, provided
         they  are  not  resources that are used by the drag and drop
         subsystem; see Motif Resources.
            DtNsourceIcon (Widget)
                  Specifies the XmDragIcon used to represent the data
                  being  dragged.   This icon is created using either
                  DtDndCreateSourceIcon(3)  or  XmCreateDragIcon(3X).
                  If  DtNsourceIcon  is  NULL, then a default icon is
                  used, which  is  appropriate  for  the  data  begin
                  dragged.  The default value is NULL.
            DtNbufferIsText (Boolean)
                  Specifies whether the dragged buffer should also be
                  sourced  as text, allowing the buffer to be dropped
                  onto text widgets.  This attribute is only valid if
                  protocol  DtDND_BUFFER_TRANSFER  and is ignored for
                  other transfers.  If DtNbufferIsText is  True,  the
                  buffer  is  sourced  as  text  in addition to being
                  sourced as buffers; if it is False, the buffers are
                  sourced only as buffers.
                  Specifies the callback to be invoked when the  drop
                  occurs  on  the desktop.  This callback is only for
                  use by specialized clients such as  file  managers.
                  If  DtNdropOnRootCallback  is NULL, then drops onto
                  the  desktop  background  are  not  allowed.    The
                  default value is NULL.
         Once the rendezvous with  the  drop  site  has  been  accom-
         plished,  the  application-provided  callback  functions are
         called to perform the transfer of the dragged data.
         First, the  convertCallback  is  called  with  a  reason  of
         DtCR_DND_CONVERT_DATA.    The   application   must  set  the
         DtDndContext fields appropriate to the transfer protocol  to
         provide the data to be transferred to the drop site.
         If the drag operation  is  XmDROP_MOVE  and  the  drop  site
         requests  that the move be completed, the convertCallback is
         called again with a reason of DtCR_DND_CONVERT_DELETE.   The
         application should delete its version of the dragged data.
         Once the data transfer is complete,  the  dragFinishCallback
         is called with a reason of DtCR_DND_DRAG_FINISH.  The appli-
         cation should free any memory allocated in the  convertCall-
         back and restore any application state.
      Callback Information
         Each of the callbacks for DtDndDragStart() and  DtDndVaDrag-
         Start()   has   an  associated  callback  structure.   These
         callbacks cannot be used with the  XtAddCallback(3X)  inter-
         A pointer to the following structure is passed to  the  con-
              typedef struct {
                  int reason;
                  XEvent *event;
                  DtDndContext *dragData;
                  DtDndStatus status;
              } DtDndConvertCallbackStruct, *DtDndConvertCallback;
         The reason argument indicates why the callback was  invoked.
         The possible reasons for this callback are:
                  The callback provides the requested data by setting
                  appropriate fields in the dragData structure.
                  The callback completes the XmDROP_MOVE operation by
                  deleting its copy of the dragged data.
         The event argument points to the XEvent that  triggered  the
         The dragData argument specifies the DtDndContext  that  con-
         tains  the  data  to  be dragged.  If the reason argument is
         DtCR_DND_CONVERT_DATA, the application must provide the data
         by  setting  the  relevant  fields  in  the DtDndContext, as
         described in the following Structures section.  If the  rea-
         son  argument  is  DtCR_DND_CONVERT_DELETE,  the application
         must delete the original data that completes a  move  opera-
         The status argument indicates the status of the  conversion.
         The  application can set this to DtDND_FAILURE to cancel the
         conversion and consequently the  drag  and  drop  operation.
         The value of status is normally DtDND_SUCCESS.
         A pointer to the following structure is passed to the  drag-
              typedef struct {
                  int reason;
                  XEvent *event;
                  DtDndContext *dragData;
                  Widget sourceIcon;
              } DtDndDragFinishCallbackStruct, *DtDndDragFinishCallback;
         The reason argument indicates why the callback was  invoked.
         The valid reason for this callback is DtCR_DND_DRAG_FINISH.
         The event argument points to the XEvent that  triggered  the
         The sourceIcon argument specifies the source icon registered
         in  the  call to DtDndDragStart.  This widget is provided to
         allow the application  to  free  data  associated  with  the
         source icon and optionally destroy the source icon.
         The dragData argument specifies the DtDndContext  that  con-
         tains  the  data  that  was dragged.  The application should
         free any data it associated with the dragData.
         The following structures are used by the drag source in  the
         convertCallback  and  dragFinishCallback to communicate data
         between the application and the  drag  and  drop  subsystem.
         The  DtDndContext  structure is passed to these callbacks as
         dragData in the callback structure appropriate to the  call-
         In the convertCallback, the application that  is  acting  as
         the  drag source is responsible for filling in the DtDndCon-
         text structure with the data being transferred.
         In the dragFinishCallback, the  application  acting  as  the
         drag source is responsible for freeing any data it allocated
         for use in the DtDndContext structure.
              typedef struct _DtDndContext {
                  DtDndProtocol protocol;
                  int numItems;
                  union {
                      XmString *strings;
                      String *files;
                      DtDndBuffer *buffers;
                  } data;
              } DtDndContext;
         The protocol argument indicates the data  transfer  protocol
         under   which   the   data  in  the  DtDndContext  is  being
         transferred.  Valid values are:
                  A list of text is being transferred.
                  A list of file names is being transferred.
                  A list of memory buffers is being transferred.
         The numItems argument indicates the number  of  items  being
         The data argument is a union containing data that should  be
         stored and read in the format corresponding to the specified
         protocol.  The data structures corresponding to the transfer
         protocols are as follows.
         The  strings  argument  is  valid   if   the   protocol   is
         DtDND_TEXT_TRANSFER.   The  strings  argument is an array of
         pointers  to  Motif  strings  containing  the   text   being
         The  files  argument   is   valid   if   the   protocol   is
         DtDND_FILENAME_TRANSFER.   It is an array of pointers to the
         names of the files being transferred.  The file  names  have
         been converted to local host file names where possible.
         The  buffers  argument  is  valid   if   the   protocol   is
         DtDND_BUFFER_TRANSFER.   It  is  an  array  of  pointers  to
         DtDndBuffer structures containing the  meory  buffers  being
         The     following      structure      is      used      with
              typedef struct _DtDndBuffer {
                  void *bp;
                  int size;
                  string name;
              } DtDndBuffer;
         The bp argument points to the buffer data being transferred.
         The size argument indicates  the  number  of  bytes  in  the
         The name argument points to the name of the buffer.
      Motif Resources
         When it calls XmDragStart(3X), the DtDndDragStart() function
         sets  Motif  resources;  the application must not modify the
         values of any of  these  resources.   Resources  other  than
         those  listed here can be used and are passed through to the
         underlying XmDragStart() call.
         The following resources are modified by DtDndDragStart() and
         DtDndVaDragStart() in the Motif Drag Context:
         The following resources are modified by DtDndDragStart() and
         DtDndVaDragStart() in the Motif Drag Icon:
         Upon successful completion,  the  DtDndDragStart()  function
         returns  the drag context widget created when the Motif drag
         is started; otherwise, it returns NULL if the drag could not
         be started.
         DtDnd(5), DtDtsFileToDataType(3), DtDndCreateSourceIcon(3),
         DtDndDropRegister(3), DtDndVaDropRegister(3), DtDndDropUnre-
         gister(3), XmCreateDragIcon(3X), XmDragContext(3X),
         XmDragIcon(3X), XmDragStart(3X).

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