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cdp (1)
  • >> cdp (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


    cdplay -- an interactive text-mode program for controlling
    and playing audio CD Roms under Linux.


    cdp [ -h | -l | -n | -s ] [play <track-num>]
    cdplay [ -h | -l | -n | -s ] [play <num>] [stop] [table]

               -s : Start in silent mode

               -h : help

               -n : No autoplay

               -l : slow start (wait for init)

       play <num> : autoplay from <num> track of CD

             stop : Stop the CD.

            table : display CD table of contents from database

    Type cdp to start program. Engage the NUM LOCK on your keypad. From inside cdp pressing DEL on numeric keypad will display a help menu. While running, cdp will display the current track number and both total CD elapsed time and current track elapsed time. Note that total CD elapsed time includes times for non-audio data tracks in addition to playable tracks.

    Use cdplay to use the non-iteractive version of cdp.



    cdp is an interactive TEXT-MODE program for playing audio CDs under Linux. It is based on WorkBone, which in turn is based on the modules "hardware.c", "database.c" and "struct.c" from the elaborate X11 CD program known as WorkMan. cdp Display CD databases, as generated by WorkMan. It also enable editing this information.

    cdp expects to find the device: /dev/cdrom . If you don't have this device, change to /dev and soft link your current cd rom device to 'cdrom'. For example, if you currently call your cdrom device 'mcd0', then do the following:

                   cd /dev

                   ln -sf mcd0 cdrom

    Alternatively, just edit 'hardware.c' to reflect the name of your cdrom device and recompile.

    cdp uses the numeric keypad as a control panel to allow you to move track to track, play, pause, stop, and resume playing of audio CDs. Make sure you have your NUM LOCK engaged when using cdp. A graphical template is displayed to guide you. Running times are also continuously updated and displayed.

                     +---- number pad -----+

                     |                     |

                     |    7     8     9    |

                     |                     |  

                     |    4     5     6    |

                     |                     |

                     |    1     2     3    |

                     |                     |

                     |    0          del   |

                     |                     |


    the '9' key on the keypad is "play"
    the '8' key on the keypad is "pause/resume"
    the '7' key on the keypad is "stop"
    the '6' key on the keypad is "next"
    the '5' key on the keypad is "replay"
    the 4 key on the keypad is "previous"
    the '3' key on the keypad is "go forward 15 seconds"
    the '2' key on the keypad is "hard abort" (music stops)
    the '1' key on the keypad is "go backward 15 seconds"
    the '0' key on the keypad is "soft exit" (music continues)
    the '.' key on the keypad is "help"
    the 'enter' key is edit current song.
    the 'a' key is edit artist name
    the 'c' key is edit CD name



    cdp is copyrighted free software provided WITHOUT warranty of any kind, NOT EVEN the implied warranty of merchantablilty or fitness for any particular purpose. Use at your own risk. cdp may be used in any way you wish so long as you comply with the provisions of the Free Software Foundation GNU General Public License version 2. This software should have come with a copy of the GNU General Public License. You may obtain a copy of this license by writing to:

    Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    675 Mass Ave,
    Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.



    It is doubtful that I will do much development of cdp. I extended WorkBone 0.1 to support WorkMan CD databases. This program is a further extension of WorkBoneII 0.2 to support CD database editing. Please e-mail any bug fixes or improvements that you might have. cdp works with my Mitsumi FX001D CD Rom drive, but your mileage with other drives may vary. Only generic calls and functions are used as per WorkMan proper itself. Unlike WorkBone cdp uses ncurses for displaying its screen. If anyone is interested in porting it to other platforms please email me.


    Sariel Har-Peled

    [email protected]




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