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certreq (1)
  • >> certreq (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         certreq - generate a certification request
         certreq [-b] [-h [-L virtual_host]] [-s | -v] [output_file]
         The certreq utility generates a certification request.  Cer-
         tification  requests  are  typically sent to a certification
         authority (CA), who  transforms  the  request  to  an  X.509
         public-key certificate.
         The generated certification request is  formatted  according
         to  the  PKCS  #10  standard.  It  consists of an X.500 dis-
         tinguished name, a public key, and a set of attributes, col-
         lectively signed by the entity requesting certification. The
         generated  certification  request  is  output  in  printable
         encoding (as defined by the Internet RFC1421 standard).
         This command may also be called by a CA  who  has  generated
         its  own key package (and self-signed certificate) using the
         crca(1) command, and would like to get its public key certi-
         fied by some "third-party" or "external" CA.
         The requestor's identity (X.500 distinguished name) and pub-
         lic key information are obtained from his or her key package
         which is retrieved from the configured name service, such as
         NIS or NIS+.
         The certification request  is  digitally  signed  using  the
         user's private key and MD5WithRSAEncryption as the signature
         In order to generate a certification request on behalf of  a
         host, the -h option must be specified. If the host is a vir-
         tual host, then its name or dot separated IP address must be
         supplied with the -L option.
         The   generated   certification   request   is   stored   in
         output_file.  If output_file already exists, it is overwrit-
         ten. If no output file is given, the  certification  request
         is printed to stdout.
         certreq requires that the user has already registered his or
         her private key with the SKI keyserver (see skilogin(1)).
         The following options are supported:
         -b   Bound the generated certification request at the begin-
              ning by
              "-----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----"
              and bound it at the end by
              "-----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----".
         -h   Generate a certification request for the host.
         -L virtual_host
              Generate a certification request for the  virtual  host
              whose name or the dot separated IP address is specified
              through virtual_host.
         -s   Run application silently (no status or  error  informa-
              tion displayed).
         -v   Give verbose output.  If both the -v and the -s options
              are specified, the -v option is ignored.
         The certreq command exits with 0 if successful and 1  other-
         certify(1), ccreds(1), crca(1), keypkg(1), skilogin(1)

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    Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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