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Интерактивная система просмотра системных руководств (man-ов)

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explorer (1)
  • >> explorer (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
  • explorer (4) ( Solaris man: Специальные файлы /dev/* )
  • explorer (5) ( Solaris man: Форматы файлов )
  • Ключ explorer обнаружен в базе ключевых слов.
         explorer - gather system configuration information
         explorer -version
         explorer -help
                  [ -h <explorer-home> ]
                  [ -d <defaults-file> ]
                  [ -l <log-file> ]
                  [ -e | -mail ]
                  [ -E <email-address> | -myemail <email-address> ]
                  [ -t <output-directory> | -target <output-directory> ]
                  [ -r ]
                  [ -R <email-address> ]
                  [ -k | -keep ]
                  [ -f <file> ]
                  [ -c <command> ]
                  [ -w <module-list> ]
                  [ -v | -verbose ]
                  [ -q | -quiet ]
                  [ -s <mail-subject> ]
                  [ -case <case-number> ]
                  [ -esc <escalation-number> ]
                  [ -sn <serial-number> ]
                  [ -transport <transport> ]
         The explorer command gathers extensive  system  information.
         The  explorer  output  can  be  automatically emailed to the
         explorer database.
         The following options can be used with explorer:
              Display this information.
              Display explorer revision level.
         -h <explorer-home>
              Use  <explorer-home>  for  the  top  directory  of  the
              explorer installation.
         -d <defaults-file>
              Uses <defaults-file> to override default  values.   See
              explorer(4) for the format of the defaults file.
         -l <log-file>
              Use <log-file> to collect all log messages.
         -e | -mail
              Can be used to automatically email explorer  output  to
              the  recipients  specified  in the etc/default/explorer
              configuration file.
              E-mail issue
                   All e-mail directed  to  SUN  is  reverse  address
                   checked.  If  the sender's return address is not a
                   valid, 'reachable' address, the mail is rejected.
         -E <email-address> | -myemail <email-address>
              Automatically email explorer output to  <email-address>
              of your choice.
         -t <output-directory> | -target <output-directory>
              Specify an alternate directory to save explorer output.
         -r   Use User email address in etc/default/explorer file for
              address  where  receipts  of  explorer should go.  This
              feature is not currently implemented on  the  receiving
         -R <email-address>
              Use  <email-address>  for  address  where  receipts  of
              explorer should go.
         -k | -keep
              Keep old explorer run outputs.  Default  is  to  remove
              old copies and keep the latest.
         -f <file>
              Add <file> to list of files to collect,  files  can  be
              found  in  the  extra/  directory.  To collect multiple
              files, use multiple -f options or seperate with a  ','.
              For example:
              explorer           -f           /etc/motd            -f
         -c <command>
              Add output of <command> to what explorer collects, out-
              put  can be found in the extra/ directory.  The command
              should be the absolute path to the binary  to  be  exe-
              cuted.   If  options  are needed, use quotes to enclose
              the command. To collect multiple commands, use multiple
              -c options or seperate with a ','.  For example:
              explorer  -c  "/usr/bin/lpstat  -t"  -c   "/bin/ls   -l
              /tmp,/bin/ls -l /dev"
         -w <module-list>
              Select  the  modules  to  run,  comma  ','   seperated.
              'default' is used if no -w option given.  Options to -w
              can be names of scripts in the tools/  directory,  like
              disks,  netinfo, ssp, etc, var.  It may also include an
              alias for a set of tools  to  run.   Aliases  currently
              supported  are:  default,  all,  extended, interactive,
              storage, network, backup,  sf15000,  starfire,  printer
              and license.  Preceding a module or alias with '!' will
              turn off the running  of  module.   In  addition,  IPv4
              addresses may be masked by using !ipaddr.
              Interactive modules are used to  get  information  from
              the  user about StorEdge T3s (t3extended) and Serengeti
              System Controllers (scextended).   These  modules  will
              prompt  for  the  hostname of a T3 or System Controller
              and the root password.  A single carriage  return  will
              let the module know that the list of hosts is finished.
              The interactive modules can be run by default if  input
              files exist that contain the machine and root password.
              The input files are located in  EXP_HOME/etc/  and  are
              scinput.txt  and  t3input.txt for System Controller and
              T3 respectively.  The mode of the  file  must  be  such
              that  group  and  other  are unavailable (ls -l mode is
              -r--------).  If the input files do not have the  right
              permissions, no data collection will occur.
              -w disks
                   Run only the disks module.
              -w network,!ipaddr
                   Run various network  modules  and  mask  the  IPv4
              -w storage
                   Collect  storage  data  and  extended  data   from
                   StorEdge T3s if t3input.txt exists.
              -w extended
                   Collect only extended data from StorEdge  T3s  and
                   Serengeti   System   Controllers   for   hosts  in
                   t3input.txt and scinput.txt
              -w default,interactive
                   Collect  default  modules  and  prompt  user   for
                   extended   data   collect   for  StorEdge  T3  and
                   Serengeti System Controllers.
                   In order to collect all T3 extended data, explorer
                   must  be  run  from  a  root  login shell by using
                   either "su -" or "telnet".
         -v | -verbose
              Display detailed progress while the explorer command is
         -q | -quiet
              Supress printing of all log messages.
         -s <mail-subject>
              Change the mail subject to  that  specified.   Variable
              expansion  will  be done on %F (explorer file name), %C
              (Customer name), %I (Contract ID), %E (explorer ID) and
              %H (hostid).
         -case <case-number>
              Will add the Radiance Case Number to the README file.
         -esc <escalation-number>
              Will add the Escalation Number to the README file.
         -sn <serial-number>
              Provide the  serial  number  for  the  machine  running
              explorer.   The  serial  number  overrides the defaults
              file and will only be seen in the README file.
         -transport <transport>
              The  following  transport  mechanisms  are   supported:
              mailto, ftp and file.  Multiple transports may be used.
              In order to use ftp as the transport, the /.netrc  file
              must be configured with the host, user and password
              machine    login    anonymous    password
              [email protected]
              Send to [email protected]
                   explorer -transport mailto:[email protected]
              Send to tape device /dev/rmt/0
                   explorer -transport file:/dev/rmt/0
              Send to ftp site
                   explorer -transport
         o explorer requires root privileges to run.
         o ftp transport requires root login shell (su -).
         o root needs write privileges to the <output-directory>.
         o explorer works on Solaris 2.x only.
         The following hardware has been tested (uname -p):
         o sun4m
         o sun4d
         o sun4u
         o i386
         The following releases of the Solaris operating system  have
         been tested (uname -r):
         o 5.3
         o 5.4
         o 5.5
         o 5.5.1
         o 5.6
         o 5.7
         o 5.8
         explorer(4), explorer(5), netrc(4)

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