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lp-LPRng (1)
  • >> lp-LPRng (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


    lp - send requests to an LPRng print service


    lp [ -A ] [ -B ] [ -c ] [ -G ] [ -m ] [ -p ] [ -s ] [ -w ] [ -d dest ]
          [ -f form-name [ -d any ] ] [ -H special-handling ]
          [ -n number ] [ -o option ] [ -P page-list ]
          [ -q priority-level ] [ -S character-set [ -d any ] ]
          [ -S print-wheel [ -t title ]
          [ -T content-type [ -r ] ] [ -y mode-list ]
          [ -X path ] [ -D debug-options ]
          [ file... ]  


    The LPRng lpr client supports an lp interface when invoked with the lp program name. This is usually done by making a symbolic link to the lpr program with the name lp. This is similar to the ex(1) and vi(1) programs. The supported form of the lp command arranges for the named file(s) and associated information (collectively called a request) to be printed. If no file names are specified on the command line, the standard input is assumed. The standard input may be specified along with a named file(s) on the command line by listing the file name(s) and specifying `-' (dash) for the standard input. The files will be printed in the order in which they appear on the shell command line.

    The LP print service associates a unique request-ID with each request and displays it on the standard output. The job number portion or full request-ID can be used later with cancel(1) or lprm(1) when canceling a job or when determining its status. See cancel(1) and lprm(1) for details about canceling a request, and lpstat(1) and lpq(1) for information about checking the status of a print request.  


    Options to lp always precede any file names, but may be specified in any order. The following options are available for lp:

    Use authenticated transfer. Note that this is not a standard lp(1) option but has been added for compatibilty with LPRng. The authentication type is set by the value of the AUTH environment variable. -B Process jobs using filters specified in the printcap information. The filter output is combined into a single file and sent to the print spooler.
    Make a copy of the file before printing. (This has no effect as LPRng always sends jobs immediately to the remote server for printing.)
    -d dest
    The print queue or printer to be used. By default, the destination printer is taken from the command line dest value, then the environment variables PRINTER, LPDEST, NPRINTER, NGPRINTER, then first entry in the printcap information, and and finally the default_printer entry from the configuration file, and then the compile time default.
    -f form-name
    Print the request on the form form-name. This sets the job class to form-name and is similar to the lpr -C option. -G Process jobs using filters specified in the printcap information. The filter output for individual files is sent to the print spooler.
    -H special-handling
    These options are ignored.
    Send mail (see mail(1)) after the files have been printed. The mail address is taken from the USER enviroment variable. By default, no mail is sent upon normal completion of the print request.
    -n number
    Print number copies (default is 1) of the output.
    -o option
    Specify printer-dependent options. Several such options may be collected by specifying the -o keyletter more than once (-o $option sub 1$ -o $option sub 2$ ... -o $option sub n$), or by specifying the -o keyletter followed by a list of options enclosed in double quotes (that is, -o "$option sub 1$ $option sub 2$ ... $option sub n$"). The following options have a immediate effect; other options are passed as a Z line entry in the control file, i.e. - as an lpr(1) -Z option.
    Do not print a banner page with this request. This is the same as the lpr(1) -h (no header) option.
    Print this request with page-width set to number. This is the same as the lpr(1) -w width option.
    -P page-list
    Print the pages specified in page-list. This option is ignored.
    Enable notification on completion of the print request. This option is ignored.
    -q priority-level
    Assign this request priority-level in the printing queue. The values of priority-level range from 0, the highest priority, to 25, the lowest priority. If a priority is not specified, the default for the print service is used, as assigned by the system administrator. A priority limit may be assigned to individual users by the system administrator. The numerical values are translated to corresponding letter priority values.
    Suppress messages from lp such as those that begin with "request id is..."
    -S character-set
    -S print-wheel
    Print this request using the specified character-set or print-wheel. The options are passed as an lpr(1) -Z option.
    -t title
    Print title on the banner page of the output. If title is not supplied the name of the file is printed on the banner page. Enclose title in quotes if it contains blanks.
    -T content-type [-r]
    Print the request on a printer that can support the specified content-type. The content-type is passed as an lpr(1) -Z option.
    Write a message on the user's terminal after the files have been printed. This option is ignored.
    -X path
    Filter individual job files using the specified program and send the filter output to the print spooler.
    -y mode-list
    Print this request according to the printing modes listed in mode-list. The mode-list-type is passed as an lpr(1) -Z option.
    -D debug-optios
    A list of debug options for the program. These can be a number (debug level) or keyword and level (flag), such as 9, network, network+2, etc.


    The following operands are supported by lp:
    A path name of a file to be output. If no file operands are specified, or if a file operand is -, the standard input will be used. The - option must be last in the list.


    The printer names and other information is obtained by using a printcap file or some other database. The ${HOME}/.printcap file can be used to specify user level options and configuration information. See printcap(5) for more information.  


    By default, the destination printer is taken from the command line dest value, then the environment variables PRINTER, LPDEST, NPRINTER, NGPRINTER, then first entry in the printcap information, and and finally the default_printer entry from the configuration file, and then the compile time default.  


    The following exit values are returned:

    zero (0)
    Successful completion
    nonzero (!= 0)
    An error occurred.


    The files used by LPRng are set by values in the printer configuration file. The following are a commonly used set of default values.

    /etc/lpd.conf                                LPRng configuration file
    ${HOME}/.printcap                            user printer description file
    /etc/printcap                                system printer description file
    /etc/lpd.perms                               printer permissions
    /var/spool/printer*                          spool directories
    /var/spool/printer*/printer                  lock file for queue control
    /var/spool/printer*/control.printer          queue control
    /var/spool/printer*/active.printer           active job
    /var/spool/printer*/log.printer              log file


    lpd.conf(5), lpc(8), lpd(8), lpr(1), lpq(1), lprm(1), printcap(5), lpd.perms(5), pr(1).  


    Most of the diagnostics are self explanatory.
    If you are puzzled over the exact cause of failure,
    set the debugging level on (-D5) and run again.
    The debugging information will 
    help you to pinpoint the exact cause of failure.


    LPRng is a enhanced printer spooler system with functionality similar to the Berkeley LPR software. The LPRng mailing list is [email protected]; subscribe by sending mail to [email protected] with the word subscribe in the body. The software is available from  


    Patrick Powell <[email protected]>.




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