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oki4drv (1)
  • >> oki4drv (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


    oki4drv - User space based driver for OKIPAGE 4w,
    OKIPAGE 4w PLUS and
    OKIPAGE 8w Lite printers.


    oki4drv [-gmvV] [-s papersize] [-o output] [-d darkness] [-w paperweight] [[file]...]  


    oki4drv is a user level driver for the OKIPAGE 4w , OKIPAGE 4w PLUS , as well as the OKIPAGE 8w Lite GDI (Generic Display Interface) printers. It takes PostScript input from some files specified on the command line or from standard input and renders them through GhostScript's raw bit device. The GhostScript output will be coded into a data stream appropriate for those printers and spooled page by page sendid directly to the printer device itself. The default printer device file used is: /dev/lp0. WARNING! Due to the printing technology involved the feeding of the printer with data imposes some real-time constraints on the run of this program. The document processing must therefore be done on a page by page basis. The host system should be fairly well equipped to keep up with the printers hunger for data. Supposedly an 486 with about 16M bytes of RAM should do it. But please don't try to use this program with one of those printers on an in esp. 386SX/16MHz with 4 megs of RAM! I'm personally using an K6/333MHz with 64M bytes of RAM and can't therefore tell what the real lower limit is. However: be warned! Failing to meet those constraints may result in severe physical damage to the printer! Thought it shouldn't, since I have been observing those printers ability to stop and resume in the middle of processing a sheet of paper. It appears that this behavior involves some control from the computers side, so I can't really at this stage of developement reproduce it. Please make sure that the printer is set to EPP or SPP mode in the BIOS! ECP will fail for reasons I don't want to explain in length here. To guarantee a quite continuous data stream, the process of sending the page image data to the printer is exploring real time and execution priority manipulation facilities of the underlying operating system. As a consequence this program must be used in SUID root mode. The second consequence of this is that it doesn't make sense to use this program in pure filtering mode under the control of some systems printer spooling daemon like for example: lpd. Sorry but that's just like the live is. However the user's inconvenience should remain quite moderate. If you expirence problems try first to output the data into a separate file and thereafter to cat it to the printer at once like this: oki4drv -o temp; cat temp > /dev/lp0. And make sure that the machine you are using is otherwise idle.



    The options recognized by this program are:
    Render in graphics mode instead of text mode, which is the default.
    Use the manual paper feed instead of the default automatic.
    -s papersize
    Specify the paper size. Possible values are: a4,a5,a6,b5,letter,legal The default value is the European a4.
    -o /dev/foo
    Specify and alternative printer device file name or any file if you wish to cat the data to the printer after fully finished rendering. The default value is: /dev/lp0.
    -d darkness
    Specify the darkness value in the range from -2 to 2, from dark to light. 0 (medium) is the default value.
    -w weight
    Specify the paper weight in the range from -2 to 2, from heavy to light. 0 (heavy) is the default value.
    Prints the version information and exit.
    Run in verbose mode diving information about running status and currently processed pages in a format similar to the one used by the TeX tools.



    You will need the excellent GhostScript interpreter for the PostScript language to use this program.



    There are currently no known bugs in the driver program itself, other then of linguistic nature in comments and documentation. The only bogusity accounts go to OKIDATA - which didn't give me any documentation about the protocols used by those printers in first place! However please note that this is no longer true at all! They even prvided me for free with a recent model from them! So all Linux/UNIX enthusiasts out there please note: OKIDATA is making fine printers for desktop usage, where it's really fine to use the power of the host CPU for the rendering of the data. They have IMHO the best price to performace ratio out there one can imagine! With the latest 2.0.3x series of kernels there appear to be some bogus workarounds for bugs in the interface protocol handling, which are preventing this driver from working properly. Recent 2.2 (namely 2.2.9 and later) work fine again. I have only tested this driver release upon 2.2.9 as of now. If the situtation remains that the Linux printer driver once works and once fails again version by version, I will start to include a propper working driver in the package too.



    Marcin Dalecki <[email protected]> (- constant contact).




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