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rfcomm_pppd (8)
  • >> rfcomm_pppd (8) ( FreeBSD man: Команды системного администрирования )

  • BSD mandoc


     - RFCOMM PPP daemon


    -c [-dh ] -a address -C channel -l label -u N
    -s [-dDhS ] [-a address ] -C channel -l label  


    The daemon is a simple wrapper daemon that allows the use of ppp(8) via an RFCOMM connection. It can operate in two modes: client and server.

    In client mode, opens an RFCOMM connection to the specified server's BD_ADRR and channel Once the RFCOMM connection is established, executes ppp(8) in -direct mode with the specified label Likewise, ppp(8) operates over the RFCOMM connection just like it would over a standard serial port, thus allowing a user to ``dial out'' and connect to the Internet.

    In server mode, opens an RFCOMM socket and listens for incoming connections from remote clients. Once the new incoming connection is accepted, forks and executes ppp(8) in -direct mode with the specified label Likewise, ppp(8) operates over the RFCOMM connection just like it would over a standard serial port, thus providing network connectivity to remote clients.

    The options are as follows:

    -a address
    In client mode, this required option specifies the address of the remote RFCOMM server. In server mode, this option can be used to specify the local address to listen on. By default, in server mode, the daemon will listen on ANY address. The address can be specified as BD_ADDR or name. If a name was specified, the utility will attempt to resolve the name via bt_gethostbyname3.
    -C channel
    In both client and server mode, this required option specifies the RFCOMM channel to connect to or listen on. In server mode, the channel should be a number between 1 and 30. In client mode, the channel could either be a number between 1 and 30 or a service name. Supported service names are: DUN (Dial-Up Networking) and LAN (LAN Access Using PPP). If a service name is used instead of a numeric channel number, then will try to obtain an RFCOMM channel number via SDP (Service Discovery Protocol).
    Act as an RFCOMM client. This is the default mode.
    Do not detach from the controlling terminal, i.e., run in foreground.
    In server mode, register the DUN (Dial-Up Networking) service in addition to the LAN (LAN Access Using PPP) service. AT-command exchange can be faked with ppp(8) chat script.
    Display usage message and exit.
    -l label
    In both client and server mode, this required option specifies which ppp(8) label will be used.
    In server mode, register the SP (Serial Port) service in addition to the LAN (LAN Access Using PPP) service.

    It appears that some cell phones are using the so-called ``callback mechanism'' In this scenario, the user is trying to connect his cell phone to the Internet, while the user's host computer is acting as the gateway server. It seems that it is not possible to tell the phone to just connect and start using the LAN service. Instead, the user's host computer must ``jump start'' the phone by connecting to the phone's SP service. What happens next is the phone kills the existing connection and opens another connection back to the user's host computer. The phone really wants to use the LAN service, but for whatever reason it looks for the SP service on the user's host computer. This brain-damaged behavior was reported for the Nokia 6600 and the Sony/Ericsson P900.

    Act as an RFCOMM server.
    -u N
    This option maps directly to the -unit ppp(8) command-line option and tells to instruct ppp(8) to only attempt to open /dev/tun N This option only works in client mode.




    Important Notes on PPP Configuration

    Special attention is required when adding new RFCOMM configurations to the existing PPP configuration. Please keep in mind that PPP will always execute commands in the ``default '' label of your /etc/ppp/ppp.conf file. Please make sure that the ``default '' label only contains commands that apply to every other label. If you need to use PPP for both dialing out and accepting incoming RFCOMM connections, please make sure you have moved all commands related to dialing out from the ``default '' section into an appropriate outgoing label.  

    RFCOMM Server

    One of the typical examples is the LAN access. In this example, an RFCOMM connection is used as a null-modem connection between a client and a server. Both client and server will start talking PPP right after the RFCOMM connection has been established.
     set timeout 0
     set lqrperiod 10
     set ifaddr
     enable lqr
     accept lqr
     accept dns
     # Do not use PPP authentication. Assume that
     # Bluetooth connection was authenticated already
     disable pap
     deny pap
     disable chap
     deny chap

    RFCOMM Client

    The utility supports both LAN (LAN Access Using PPP) and DUN (Dial-Up Networking) access. The client's configuration for LAN access is very similar to the server's and might look like this:
     enable lqr
     accept lqr
     set dial
     set timeout 0
     disable iface-alias
     set ifaddr
     # Do not use PPP authentication. Assume that
     # Bluetooth connection was authenticated already
     deny pap
     disable pap
     deny chap
     disable chap

    The client's configuration for DUN access is different. In this scenario, the client gets connected to the virtual serial port on the server. To open a PPP session, the client must dial a number. Note that by default ppp(8) will not execute any configured chat scripts. The force-scripts option can be used to override this behavior. An example configuration is shown below:

     # This is IMPORTANT option
     enable force-scripts
     # You might want to change these
     set authname
     set authkey
     set phone "*99***1#"
     # You might want to adjust dial string as well
               \"\" AT OK-AT-OK ATE1Q0 OK \\dATDT\\T TIMEOUT 40 CONNECT"
     set login
     set timeout 30
     enable dns
     resolv rewrite
     set ifaddr
     add default HISADDR

    Note that by adjusting the initialization string, one can make a CSD (Circuit Switched Data), HSCSD (High Speed Circuit Switched Data) or GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) connection. The availability of the particular connection type depends on the phone model and service plan activated on the phone.  


    Ex -std  


    "rfcomm_pppd -s -a 00:01:02:03:04:05 -C 1 -l rfcomm-server"

    This command will start in the server mode. The RFCOMM server will listen on local address 00:01:02:03:04:05 and channel 1 Once the incoming connection has been accepted, will execute ppp(8) in -direct mode with the ``rfcomm-server '' label.

    "rfcomm_pppd -c -a 00:01:02:03:04:05 -C 1 -l rfcomm-client"

    This command will start in the client mode. will try to connect to the RFCOMM server at 00:01:02:03:04:05 address and channel 1 Once connected, will execute ppp(8) in -direct mode with the ``rfcomm-client '' label.  


    The utility in server mode will try to register the Bluetooth LAN Access Over PPP service with the local SPD daemon. If the local SDP daemon is not running, will exit with an error.  


    rfcomm_sppd1, bluetooth(3), ng_btsocket4, ppp(8), sdpcontrol(8), sdpd(8)  


    An Maksim Yevmenkin Aq [email protected]



    Important Notes on PPP Configuration
    RFCOMM Server
    RFCOMM Client

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    Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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