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yuv2lav (1)
  • >> yuv2lav (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


    yuv2lav - encodes lavtool's raw YUV frame streams into MJPEG files



    yuv2lav [-f a|A|q|m] [-q num] [-b num] [-I num] [-m num] [-v num] -o output-file



    yuv2lav is a simple MJPEG encoder for raw YUV frame streams as they are emitted by lav2yuv(1) or lavpipe(1), for example. It reads its input from stdin and is capable of writing AVI and Quicktime.



    The command line options allow to specify the output file name, JPEG encoding quality and the amount of memory that will be allocated for JPEG compressed data.

    -o output-file
    This (compulsorary) option sets the name of the file that yuv2lav will write its output to. If the output file contains a % (e.g. file%02d.avi), the output will be written to multiple files in case this is necessary (file00.avi, file01.avi and so on).

    -f a|A|q|m
    This sets the output file format, which has to be one of
     a - for AVI file output,
     A - for AVI with reversed fields,
     q - for Quicktime output or
    AVI with reversed field of course only makes sense if yuv2lav's feed is an interlaced video source and should only be needed if you experience frame reversal problems in your output.

    -q num
    This option specifies the JPEG encoding quality as passed through to libjpeg. The default value is 80, num must lie within 24...100 inclusive (think of it as percentage values, although with a lossy compression algorithm like JPEG, keeping 100% of the original quality is of course not really possible).

    -b num
    This option specifies the size of the buffer (in kBytes) that yuv2lav allocates in order to store the compressed JPEG data in it. The default value (256k) is perfectly enough for 100% quality full sized PAL/NTSC, but if you want to compress Super-Mega-HDTV or if you are low on memory, you can use this option to suit your needs.

    -m num
    This is the maximum size (in MB) per file. Normally, this depends on the output file type.

    -I num
    Force a specific interlacing type. 0 means no interlacing, 1 means top-field-first, 2 means bottom-field-first.

    -v num
    Verbosity level. 0 means only print error messages, 2 prints full debug output.

    Display a synopsis of the command syntax.



    lav2yuv movie.avi | yuv2lav -fq -q 30 lowbitrate.qt
    would recompress movie.avi as a low bit rate Quicktime file.
    lavpipe input.pli | yuv2lav -q80 output.avi
    would save the movie assembled by lavpipe as a single AVI file.



    If you experience any problems with this tool, please feel free to contact the developers (see below).



    This man page was written by pHilipp Zabel.
    If you have questions, remarks, problems or you just want to contact the developers, the main mailing list for the MJPEG-tools is:

        [email protected]

    For more info, see our website at



    lav2yuv(1), lavpipe(1), lavplay(1), lavrec(1), mpeg2enc(1), yuvscaler(1)




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